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Take 3

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 1:44 am
by wxwoman
Hi Everyone,

I think the third time will be the charm.

I started No S a few months back and didn't make it past a few days. I had a couple red days and let my all-or-nothing attitude sabotage me.

My second attempt lasted 6 weeks from mid-Oct to this past Dec 2. I had a wicked craving for snacks and junk on a Monday, and it was the beginning of the end.

So now to take 3:

I've made a list of all the things that appeal to me about No S. That way I have something to refer to in order to stay motivated while I create my new habit. BTW, I started Jan 1, so it's been a bit over 2 weeks. The "S days gone wild" in attempt #2 have been toned down as well.

Here's what appeals to me about No S and why I keep coming back:

1) no weighing, counting, or measuring anything
2) it will allow me to stop obsessing about food. I have my meal and forget about it until the next time
3) it's easy to fit in with holidays, eating out, etc
4) it's do-able long term
5) I will hop off the diet bandwagon permanently as I effortlessly find and maintain my ideal weight.

I get a lot of exercise, so any excess weight I might have (only a few pounds) will come off easily.

The No S diet is simple, but really ingenious when you consider all the pros I've listed. The only challenge for me is not snacking during the week. I know this will get easier as my habit becomes more ingrained.

So hi to everyone.


Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 2:03 am
by automatedeating
Hi Kathy!
Glad you posted today. Look forward to getting to know you on the boards.
Welcome (back)!

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 8:51 am
by NoSnacker
Hi there, this is my official 3rd attempt as well so I feel a kindred spirit here...just kidding..

I had 5 months in each time, but let my s day's derail my spirit. This time is so much different for me as well.

Welcome your list!

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 5:55 pm
by wxwoman
Thanks to both of you.

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 8:38 pm
by good enough
You can do it! I'm trying again also. This way of eating just makes so much SENSE!

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 12:06 am
by oolala53
I suggest actually writing the list of motivations on a card and carrying it with you. Add in a few reasons you'd like to reduce your eating. I did this when I started 4 years ago and read the list every day for three months! It really helped.

Me Too!

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 11:54 am
by catservant
I'm on try #3 (and final! :lol: ) too...I have an identical list of the benefits, and an equal level of determination! Thanks for sharing...