
No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Post by peachee » Mon May 22, 2006 8:15 pm

ok. so i know we're not supposed to worry about added fat but i am mostly because i saw a picture of my face today and i looked bigger than i wanted to and it made me freak out and have diety things go on in my head. i've been on no s successfully for 6 days today and GASP! i'm not thin yet...didn't expect to be....i really just need reassurance that it will work even if i'm not watching fat/carbs etc. i have eggs sometimes for breakfast, cream in my coffee, cheese, mayo on my sandwiches, beef for dinner sometimes, sometimes creamy pasta, olive oil, goat cheese, walnuts in my salad etc. and i wonder if this is too much even if following the rules? i am paranoid partially because i used to have an eating disorder (anorexia/bulimia) so i'm not sure if my "normal" is really "normal". i post all my food in my check in thing if anyone wanted to go so far as to check it out for me. though i don't expect that. just wondering what a normal level of fat in the diet is(without counting it)? thanks!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon May 22, 2006 10:00 pm

Hi Peachie :)

What you are eating is totally fine...
You need to totally change your expectation..
You won't get thin in one week...
Doing NoS in a healthy way at a healthy rate might only yield average losses over the year of one pound or so a week..
But it doesn't come back on, and you can enjoy normal food!

Be patient! You lived with some serious distortions of what is "normal" for losing weight for some time now... I believe you can recreate a good image for yourself if you try to do things which make you feel good, and know you are doing your best!
And also, say "I love myself the way I am" as often as you can!
Be your best friend!

Personally, when I am sad and feeling depressed, the image in the mirror just looks horrible no matter what the scale, my clothes, other people, etc.. say....
It's an internal picture your mirror is reflecting back at you...
And mirrors often reflect more of the negativity in our lives than the positivity... It's very unreliable to only seek success and reenforcement in a mirror, unless you are really in a great great mood/place/state of mind...
Today, I feel loved and I walked by the mirror and found myself saying, only one day after feeling horrible looking, "You are unbelievably beautiful!" LOL...
Not trying to sound like an egotist, but I'm simply saying, my mood will usually dictate what I see in the mirror...

Cultivate your inner eye and beauty and I promise you the rest will take care of itself!

PS... I think a fat face might just mean you might be retaining water for some reason... But if it's the stuff I mentioned, then, darn it!!!, stay away from the mirror for a week and just keep chanting
"I am beautiful, and I am a success!!!"
You are doing great!!!
Keep it up!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Stop worrying

Post by Kevin » Tue May 23, 2006 12:41 am

I'm sure you are doing fine. If, over the course of a few months, you find you aren't losing at the rate you would like, try reducing the porportion of high calorie foods. But don't worry. If you eat less, and exercise more, you'll lose weight.
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Post by peachee » Tue May 23, 2006 2:09 am

Thanks you guys for the replies!

Deb, you are totally right. I've been feeling very down on myself lately, and maybe for a long time...i think a lot of my views of how i think i "should" be or "should" do things are distorted. i'm kind of at a turning point in my life right now and so many things have changed that i feel like nothing is secure or stable - and it's making me insecure about EVERYTHING! i really appreciate the kind words and reassurance :) i will work on my attitude/view of things.

kevin - you have a good point. eating 3 meals a day that are the same as or less than the meals i ate before minus the between meal snacks and after meal treats, i must be eating quite a bit less. and that's got to do something.

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