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Wondering if This Works

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 7:12 pm
by Jesrin
Hey, everyone! My name is Ryan and I am new to these forums. I'm 18 years old--still a senior in high school, and I graduate this coming May. With college on the horizon, I really want to learn to control my eating habits and lose some of the chub that I've accumulated over these last few years. I'm not fat by most measurements, but I am fairly out of shape and am starting to get a paunch (blech!). My goal is to be lean and fit by the time I graduate in a few months so I will be ready to face college with confidence and energy.

So I guess my question is, can I devote myself to No S and Shovelgloving (I am thinking about doing that as well) and expect good results? I only have a few months left until graduation, and I have tried so many diets and exercise regimens in the past in an attempt to lose some of my unwanted weight. They have failed every time. If I commit myself to No S and Shovelgloving, what results can I expect? Keep in mind, I do NOT want a quick fix solution that will make me lose 10 pounds in 3 days. I want something I can use to control my diet and my well-being for the rest of my life. For those of you who have been on this diet, what are your recommendations for me?

Thanks again!
Ryan :D

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:28 pm
by Blithe Morning
Ryan, I can't speak definitively but you have all the hallmarks of someone for whom this will be a success: male, young, not too overweight, and willingness to give it a bash (literally and figuratively).

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 12:05 am
by oolala53
It depends a bit on how much you've been overeating on snacks, sweets, and seconds, and how soon your weekends calm down. It might be rushing things a bit, but you might as well start now. Results vary! In addition to Shovelglove, don't forget to add in walking or the equivalent.

When you say that other diets "didn't work," do you mean you stuck to them but didn't lose weight? Or that you couldn't stick to them? OR you lost and gained the weight back?

Just so you know, people are sometimes successful at losing weight for a particular goal date or event, but they are not often successful at keeping that weight off. In fact, they often gain back more. Make the changes for the long run, and know that if you stick to Vanilla and an exercise program, you can hold your head high at graduation and beyond.

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 12:05 am
by oolala53
It depends a bit on how much you've been overeating on snacks, sweets, and seconds, and how soon your weekends calm down. It might be rushing things a bit, but you might as well start now. Results vary! In addition to Shovelglove, don't forget to add in walking or the equivalent.

When you say that other diets "didn't work," do you mean you stuck to them but didn't lose weight? Or that you couldn't stick to them? OR you lost and gained the weight back?

Just so you know, people are sometimes successful at losing weight for a particular goal date or event, but they are not often successful at keeping that weight off. In fact, they often gain back more. Make the changes for the long run, and know that if you stick to Vanilla and an exercise program, you can hold your head high at graduation and beyond.

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 10:21 am
by eschano
Hi Ryan,

Yes, your situation doesn't sound dissimilar to Reinhard when he started out.

If you want a long-term way of living healthy this is definitely it. Whether you will lose the weight in time for graduation is questionable but what I believe NoS can more or less guarantee you is that you won't put on the Freshmen 15 :)

I lost 10kg or 20pounds over a whole year with some long plateau's in between but I recommend giving this a long time.

Good luck!