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Sweets and S Days

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 7:17 pm
by Raisingahandful
I officially started NoS on Monday after messing around with the idea and trying half-heatedly for quite some time. I have about 10-15 pounds to lose. I have such a HUGE sweet tooth and I now realize I really don't know what is normal for a serving size of a sweet! That may sound dumb but I thought this being my first official weekend I would try to limit myself to just 2 "exceptions" each S a sweet and a snack etc. Well, is one small glass of pop a full sweet? Or we made cookies and I took two bites of cookie dough so then should that mean that was about 2cookies and I should be done?? Maybe I shouldn't set a limit on S days but my temptation is to eat everything cuz "I won't have it for a week". I tried the limit yesterday and got so frustrated trying to figure it out I just forgot it and ate my old normal and it was eye opening! I only lost 2 pounds my first week but the change in my eating is HUGE. I really felt out of control yesterday eating what my old "norm" was!! I'm excited for the journey and willing to make a slow and steady change but just don't know if I should just let these days work themselves out like is mentioned or try to control them??? (I realize a lot is mental as I wanted to eat all the snacks and sweets not because I was hungry but because they were there and I could- just noticing that is a pretty big deal for me)

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 9:16 pm
by vmsurbat
I personally wouldn't (and didn't) put limits on my S days.

What I did try to do was give myself arsenal to fight diet head. I read and reread the book, made my own list of mottoes, thoroughly and regularly perused the sticky entitled "NoS Catch Phrase." And I slowly learned to ask myself: "Will this bring me enjoyment?" which really did (ultimately) lead me to reasonable S day behavior.

Like you, I found my good N days habits made excessive eating (aka "my old way") uncomfortable. A few months of painful Sunday nights was enough to convince me that the answer to "Will this bring me enjoyment?" sometimes needed to be answered with a resounding "NO!"--not because of imposed limitations but because I really, truly believe it.

Learning this has been invaluable and why S days are no longer an issue--I'm really not tempted to overeat (99% of the time) because I truly don't like it or find it enjoyable. The fact that I can't indulge for another week no longer enters into the equation.... :-)

I think you are having GREAT success with NoS so far--learning good habits and actually learning to spot excess--you are well on your way to good S day habits. I suggest you just give it more time, focusing on your N day habits (they do spill over to S days) and learn to ask yourself the right questions on S days, shifting from "Can I have this?" to "Will I truly enjoy the whole experience of eating this?"


Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 3:25 am
by Raisingahandful
Thank you Vicki! I just read your yearly updates and I'm so encouraged. I'm hoping to have similar success with gentle SANE choices. I too am a mother of 5, I homeschool and am pushing 40. I'd like to start my 40's healthy and strong but with my time and focus on The Lord, my family and loving others not worrying about how many carbs or calories I consumed!! I just ordered a pedometer. I think a 10,000 step goal is great. As I am at home I'm sure I dont get in a lot of steps. I took your advice and didn't worry today and actually made great choices...I find that odd as I was TRYING to focus and do that yesterday and bombed! Anyway, I did what I knew I'd enjoy and it was just enough. Thanks again for the encouragement and advice.


Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 11:47 am
by ZippaDee
Welcome raisingahandful!! Sounds like you are doing great so far.

Thank you from me too Vikki! You are very inspirational to me as well! I am going to use that "will this bring me enjoyment" on my s days too! And fighting diet head is a big battle for me right now!