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Spectacular Failure (and rate of weight loss)

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 12:25 am
by scottwblack
After a visit from my mother in April, I sorta, kinda crashed and burned, No S Diet-wise. It's all my fault. After a few yummy meals during her visit, I allowed myself to immediately fall off the wagon. Anyways, I'm ready to get right back on that horse and do this thing again. I do have a question, though. I've been reading a lot of different things about what the healthiest rate of weight loss is and wondered if anyone here had an opinion. With nearly 100 lbs to lose, I'm not overly excited about a possible slow rate of loss, but at the same time if that's the healthiest way to go (and the best way to minimize extraneous skin retention), I'll do it. Some people seem to think that a weekly 1% of total body weight loss is healthy while others say it's best to only lose 3 or 4 lbs a month max. Any thoughts?

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 1:22 am
by gratefuldeb67
Hi Scott!
Welcome back :)
Damn that Nola food!!!!
I gained sooooo much weight eating po boys and red beans and rice!
LOL! I'm sure your Mom cooks great too! Forgive yourself man and gear up for a slow but productive journey!!!

You can do this!
I fell off the wagon a few weeks ago and got bummed out, but this is such a great program that it's always worth giving another go!!!
Practice practice practice!!!

When I started NoS in August of 2004 I was around 230 or possibly a few pounds more... I had gained roughly 50 or 60 pounds over a very bad year...
In my first year I lost something like 17-20 lbs... I have thirty more to go... I am determined to lose at least half of that this year!

My guess is that you might see numbers like 5 lbs a month..
That's not bad... It's realistic to expect that...
Now some big fellas around here, who had much to lose, like James (aka Freakwitch) and Spiral Stares, have both lost in the ballpark of 50 lbs their first year, so maybe you will too...
Still, I say it's best to expect something *on average* of 5 lbs a month..
It doesn't sound like much, but it won't come back on! If you lose more, great, but in my opinion that only will happen if you do lots and lots of exercise too.. Lots meaning, regular aerobic exercise, whatever you enjoy!

If you only lose 25 lbs in one year but keep it off, and then you lose another in another year, etc... You will get to your goal weight within three years or so... That's much much better than yoyo'ing back and forth with the same 15 or whatever amount of pounds, from going from one extreme to another with quick fixes, and then a few months of binging again...

Keep the faith!!!!
Hope you and your family are well :)
Rock on in Austin and save that yummy bread pudding for S days! :wink:
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 4:54 am
by scottwblack

I just have to accept that if I want to lose for the long term, I'll have to be patient, which is hard because my mindset is not fixed that way. At this point I'll be very happy if I can lose 3-5 lbs a month.

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 12:38 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Don't feel bad Scott!
The diet industry is run by the devil himself...
It seduces us with lies about how quick you can lose..
After hearing "Thirty pounds in thirty days" it's easy to get confused when the whole world's weight loss standards are based on deceptive and seductive messages like this... We all fall for it to some extent...
This causes a major schism when we then try to pat ourselves on the back for losing three pounds in a month, when *that* is what the world should be aiming for instead of the quick losses that fade away somewhere down the road...
Your body will do the right thing if you give it time.. It has it's own wisdom..
Focus on your habits changing... Your goal shouldn't just be to think about losing the weight.. it should be on maintaining your loss with good eating habits too!
You will learn to be patient if you take one day at a time and don't get stuck in negative moments... If they happen, let them pass..
It's all part of a bigger scheme and a process...
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 12:52 pm
by Sinnie
Hi, Scott. If it's a matter of keeping it off, slow is the way to go. But, generally speaking, you will lose more weight at the beginning. I would imagine reverting to only 3 meals a day with no esses would produce pretty good results within the first few weeks for you, depending on how much you let go on the weekend. If you keep it reasonable, say one treat, I'd say you have got a good chance to lose at a nice rate. So, you may lose 2 or 3 lbs a week at first, and then it'll slow down.

Just get started. I've learned that keeping it off = new habits. That is in my opinion the key to weight loss, and something I still need to change.

Good luck!

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 2:56 pm
by sanity
No-S may help fix your mindset that way, which is a good thing. One other obvious place to apply such a mindset would be shovelglove, but there are so many things in life which require slow progress, near-religious dedication, but are ultimately worth the patience.

Of course, I'm only four days into my No-S, so don't take my word for it. It makes sense, though, doesn't it?

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 3:39 pm
by reinhard
Welcome back, Scott.

Sorry you ran into some trouble, but it's not unusual. Good for you for giving it another go.

As others here have said, you need to get a long term mindset. I can't tell you how fast the pounds will come off on no-s. Some people have a quick loss up front, some take a long time to see any measurable results, but all eventually hit slow going, so it's safest to start preparing for that now. This is true of any diet, not just no-s. The difference is other diets don't like to talk about the long, slow, rest of your life part, whereas no-s deals with it front and center.

Think of this like saving for retirement -- which in a way it is, medical bills will probably be your biggest expense then and so in a very direct, financial sense getting thin might wind up being worth more than your 401k.

Patience is hard. I'm not going to kid you. It's easy to be a hero for an hour or a day or a week. But it's tough to keep slogging on when there's no quick glory. Still, it's the only way to victory, and it really does get easier as habit kicks in. Since no-s isn't painful (most no-essers *like* being on no-s), the hardest part is pure patience. It's more waiting than slogging.

Hope this round clinches it for you, but if not, don't be shy about giving it another round and then another. You will succeed, as long as you keep willing.


Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 6:56 pm
by scottwblack

I believe that I'm back for good this time, minor hiccups aside.

The slow and steady thing is hard for me, though. I too often allow my obsessive-compulsive tendencies to control me. Of course, it doesn't help that since Hurricane Katrina I've been working free lance from our two room apartment. I walk everywhere instead of driving, but I think that having a steady job will only help me achieve my goal.