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Another Newbie Hello

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 8:47 pm
by snikkio
Hi, I started No S yesterday (but had a mess up).
I started writing a background post in a word doc, but it became unreasonably long, so I will try to give you the condensed version:
I have a big problem with moderation. I tend to fluctuate between extremes. I am 5'6", and have been as low as 120 lbs and as high as 170 lbs, but I think my natural healthy weight is in the mid-130s.
I've had trouble with secret eating, including picking up fast food on the way home and disposing of the evidence, boredom snacking, and "procrastineating." In August of 2010, I was 148 and decided I wanted to get back to 130. I started on a diet and was down to 135 by mid-October and switched to calorie counting from the fairly strict (on weekdays) diet to lose the rest. I became a little obsessed with it all and having a semi-popular blog on tumblr didn't help the obsession. (I've since started over with my blog.) I was down to 127 (my new goal weight and the lowest my husband thought was good for me to go or I might have never stopped) and maintained between there and 134 up until Sept. 2012 when we adopted our son. At first I lost even more weight because I was up all night and couldn't seem to eat enough, but by November, I had started all the bad habits up again. Actually, they hadn't stopped, but the excessive eating habits I mentioned earlier were balanced out by restrictive eating a quite a bit of exercise, and I fooled myself into thinking this was a balanced way to live.
At the start of 2013, I had read Intuitive Eating and wanted to get it a try, but never moved out of the stage of letting myself eat what I want without guilt into the stage where you honor your hunger and fullness signals. Plus, the food guilt never went away.
Yesterday I weighed in a 151, but I'm not going to use my weight to track my progress because that can vary based on too many factors. I'm going to use my waist measurement (at the smallest point). Yesterday it was 28 1/8" and my goal is 26 1/2," slightly bigger than I was during my latest obsession period. I just want to go for something that's sustainable without all the madness.

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 9:09 pm
by snikkio
Oh, and I realize that I am already at a so-called healthy weight, but just because your BMI is healthy doesn't mean you're actually healthy.
Just like there are some people who are technically overweight that are in fantastic shape.

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 8:01 pm
by Zoid

I have a few newcomer tips:

1. Remember that the hardest part of this "diet" is upfront. I struggled my first week, others don't struggle until their 2nd or 3rd week because they get by on enthusiasm at first. But, it gets easier as it goes.

2. Remember that you can't starve to death in a few hours. This was a big one for me.

3. Remember that everyone fails sometimes. This is a way of eating that can last you the rest of your life. You won't be 100% compliant forever. That's impossible. So when you do fail, don't dwell on it. Learn from it and move on.

4. Finally, this is the most supportive online community that I've ever been a part of. They give great advice and are the best cheerleaders. Hope to see you around!

Re: Another Newbie Hello

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 9:29 am
by vmsurbat
snikkio wrote: I just want to go for something that's sustainable without all the madness.
Welcome! You've found the right place.

I find NoS habits(no snacks, sweets, or seconds) to be incredibly sane, sensible, and satisfying; ergo successfully sustainable! Finally, all the right S's! :D

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:46 am
by ZippaDee
Welcome!! :D

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 8:48 pm
by snikkio
Thanks, everyone! I've done okay this first week. I had a slight slip up Wednesday and a bigger one yesterday, but so far, so good today.
I've decided to allow myself 4 meals as a transition.
My plan is breakfast around 8, lunch as close to 12 as I can make it, dinner around 5:30, and then one more meal before bed so I don't have to go to sleep with my stomach growling. Times are flexible because I'm a SAHM with a 1 1/2 year old who eat better if he eats with me. It worked very well on Tuesday.
If I feel shaky and it's over an hour before my next meal, then I'll drink a glass of milk.
Today I threw away a treat receipt from starbucks to get a bakery item for $1 after 2pm. That's a big step for me since great deals are one of my downfalls.