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*** March 2014 Challenge ***

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 11:50 am
by NoSnacker
Actually these challenges of course are against ourselves and not a competition..we are all here to succeed and work through any failures! Cheers! p.s. feel free to copy the dates!

For me it is No S Vanilla all the way..and perhaps some moderation on my "S" days.

1 S
2 S

3 N Failure
4 N Failure
5 N Failure
6 N Failure
7 N

8 S
9 S

10 N
11 N
12 N
13 N
14 N

15 S
16 S

17 N
18 N
19 N
20 N
21 N

22 S
23 S

24 N
25 N
26 N
27 N
28 N

29 S
30 S

31 N

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 12:18 pm
by eschano
I'm in NoSnacker! Thanks for posting.

1 S-Day medium S day, some treats but not much snacking
2 S-Day medium S day, two post-meal treats, some snacking on grapes
3 N Success easy one - always happy to return to N days after S days
4 N Special S day - N Day except 1 afternoon shot of salted caramel vodka at a tasting
5 N Success not my healthiest Green Day but green
6 N Success
7 N Success
8 S-Day
9 S-Day
10 N Success
11 N Success
12 N Fail - had an orange I planned for lunch after a 2 hour meeting I got dragged into and realised that's a snack (plus I wasn't hungy anymore, just automatic eating as it was on the plate) and had a mango lassi at the Indian - hadn't been to an Indian for ages and they are so sweet - definitely a dessert in my books. However, I didn't have the chocolate that came with the bill :) Not massive fails but I want to mark them anyways.
13 N Success
14 N Success
15 S-Day
16 S-Day
17 N Success
18 N Success
19 N Success
20 N Success
21 N Success
22 S-Day
23 S-Day
24 N Success
25 N Success
26 N Success
27 Extra S Day
28 N Success
29 S-Day
30 S-Day
31 N Success

Much better than my average monthly challenge. These make sense as I hate filling out lots of red. Thanks!

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 4:30 pm
by Zoid
Me too!

Same as last month:

No S / 10k steps / 14 mins of anything (shovelglove)

1 :wink: / :mrgreen: / :wink:
2 :wink: / :mrgreen: / :wink:
3 :mrgreen: / :mrgreen: / :mrgreen:
4 :mrgreen: / :mrgreen: / :mrgreen:
5 :mrgreen: / :mrgreen: / :mrgreen:
6 :mrgreen: / :mrgreen: / :mrgreen:
7 :? / :? / :? sick, finally caught what was going around the office
8 :wink: / :? / :wink: still recovering
9 :wink: / :mrgreen: / :wink:
10 :mrgreen: / :mrgreen: / :mrgreen:
11 :mrgreen: / :mrgreen: / :mrgreen:
12 :mrgreen: / :oops: / :oops: intentional reds, I decided to spend time with my husband over working out
13 :mrgreen: / :mrgreen: / :mrgreen:
14 :mrgreen: / :mrgreen: / :mrgreen:
15 :wink: / :mrgreen: / :wink:
16 :wink: / :mrgreen: / :wink:
17 :mrgreen: / :mrgreen: / :mrgreen:
18 :mrgreen: / :mrgreen: / :mrgreen:
19 :wink: / :wink: / :wink: S day (husband's bday!)
20 :mrgreen: / :mrgreen: / :mrgreen:
21 :mrgreen: / :mrgreen: / :oops:
22 :wink: / :mrgreen: / :wink:
23 :wink: / :mrgreen: / :wink:
29 :wink: / / :wink:
30 :wink: / / :wink:

Month 9

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 6:08 pm
by Dhack
I'm in!! Thanks! :)

7-:D :D
10-:D :D
11-:D :D
22-:D weigh-in 128.5

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:15 pm
by Tessytwinkle
Oooooh this is a bit scary. But time for my first public challenge I think. I really need a good month. I'm in!!

1- :-)
2- :-)
3- success
4- special S event for pancakes
5- success
6- fail

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 11:43 pm
by minimizer
Yes please!

1 S did OK today I guess
2 S ate to the point of discomfort at dinner, ugh : (

3 N :)
4 N :(
5 N :)
6 N :)
7 N :)

8 S good Saturday
9 S a snackish sort of Sunday

10 N :)
11 N :)
12 N :)
13 N :)
14 N :)

15 S yay!
16 S

17 N :(
18 N :(
19 N :)
20 N :)
21 N :)

22 S
23 S

24 N :)
25 N :)
26 N :)
27 N :)
28 N :(

29 S snackish Saturday
30 S

31 N :)

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 1:54 am
by automatedeating
Read one hour to my boys on Mondays and Wednesdays: 20 minutes on Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays

Mon, 3/3: :)
Wed, 3/5: :)
Thurs, 3/6: :)
Friday, 3/7: :)
Sunday, 3/9: :)
Monday, 3/10: :)
Wednesday, 3/12::)
Thursday, 3/13: :)
Friday, 3/14: :)
Sunday, 3/16: :)
Monday, 3/17: :) wow I see that I'm doing much better this month, but I'm even busier than last month. I think what made the difference was scaling back my goals so that they weren't too hard. I lowered the bar, but it was a good decision!
Wednesday, 3/19: :oops: but I feel fine about it. I still read 30 minutes, and if you knew all of the craziness that this day held, I'm sure you would be majorly impressed with 30 minutes. Yes, it was THAT BAD of a day.
Thursday, 3/20: :) today only needed 20 minutes, but we easily made it to an hour. Feel good about that.
Friday, 3/21: :)
Sunday, 3/23: :)
Monday, 3/24: Out of town at work conference.... Forced S Day
Wednesday, 3/26: :) Tough because my husband is home! Normally Monday and Wednesday nights the boys and I are on our own and that's why I aim for the longer reading time.
Thursday, 3/26: :)
Friday, 3/27: :)
Sunday, 3/30: :)
Monday, 3/31: :oops: FAIL, oh no, and on the last day of the month! Bummer! Well, I did get 30 minutes in, but not the hour I should have. All in all, much better this month than February was, so I'll take it (as Joasia would say).

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 6:22 pm
by anna418
March HAS to be better than February! I'm in. I am especially going to focus on curtailing the wine intake. January was dry and I think that's why February was a bit crazy. Wine & sugar are my two vices.

1 S - pretty good day, ate a bit too much spinach dip. Went to ballet!
1 GC
2 S - ate a million calories at an Oscar party! No guilt though, it's what S days are for!
2 GC

3 N - success! avoided the lucky charms ice cream my husband ate after dinner.
3 GC
4 N - success! our hostess for bachelor didn't have any snacks though. thankfully.
4 GC
5 N - made cookies. and ate them.
5 GC - :oops:...we went to happy hour and then opened a bottle of wine after. argh.
6 N - those damn cookies. just 1, but still a fail.
6 GC
7 N - coooookie.
7 GC

8 S - yay! I ate a bunch of pita chips & hummus.
8 GC - :roll:
9 S - I was actually really good, was essentially an N day. Just because I didn't feel eating anything extra.
9 GC

10 N - back on the wagon!
10 GC
11 N - stupid Juan Pablo. I blame him making me eat all the snacks.
11 GC - oops, 3 glasses of wine during 3 hours of Bachelor
12 N
12 GC
13 N
13 GC
14 N
14 GC

15 S
15 GC
*already calling that this will be rough - good friend is visiting and he loves wine more than I do!*
16 S
16 GC

17 N
17 GC
18 N
18 GC
19 N
19 GC
20 N
20 GC
21 N
21 GC

22 S
22 GC
23 S
23 GC

24 N
24 GC
25 N
25 GC
26 N
26 GC
27 N
27 GC
28 N
28 GC

29 S
29 GC
30 S
30 GC

31 N
31 GC

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 1:34 am
by catservant
Let's try this again! Last month wasn't so good!

1 S :lol:
2 S :lol:

3 N
4 N
5 N
6 N
7 N

8 S :lol:
9 S :lol:

10 N
11 N
12 N
13 N
14 N

15 S :lol:
16 S :lol:

17 N
18 N
19 N
20 N
21 N

22 S :lol:
23 S :lol:

24 N
25 N
26 N
27 N
28 N

29 S :lol:
30 S :lol:

31 N

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 1:51 am
by Traci0829
Trying again this month!!! Vanilla no S:)

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 5:39 am
by WillRunForChocolate
Count me in too! I've let some bad habits creep back in my life and it's time to make some positive changes.

1 S
2 S

3 N
4 N
5 N
6 N
7 N

8 S
9 S

10 N
11 N
12 N
13 N
14 N

15 S
16 S

17 N
18 N
19 S (bday)
20 N
21 N

22 S
23 S

24 N
25 N
26 N
27 N
28 N

29 S
30 S

31 N

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 7:49 am
by clarinetgal
I'm in! I started really late last month and, while it wasn't the best month, it wasn't terrible, either. This month, I'm determined to get at least 75 percent green.

1. S Day
2. S Day (but a much better eating day than yesterday) :D
3. Success!
4. Success!
5. Fail. :( I was super tired today, and I had major sugar and salt cravings, and I gave in to them. I will get back on track tomorrow!
6. Success!
7. Fail
8. Success!
9. S Day
10. Fail
11. Fail
12. Success!
13. Fail
14. NWS My older son had dental surgery this morning. It has been a long, and crazy day.
15. S Day
16. S Day
17. Success!
18. Minor Fail. I ate a few chocolate chips after dinner. Otherwise, I stayed on plan.
19. Success!
20. Fail
21. Success!
22. S Day
23. Success!
24. Success!
25. Fail
26. Success!
27. Success!
28. Minor Fail
29. Success!
30. S Day
31. Success!

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 4:11 pm
by Lucy123
I'm going to try this! Did great on No S for about 2 1/2 months but was completely derailed in Feb and trying to recommit to good habits. I'd really like to have a successful March!

1 S
2 S

3 N Success
4 N
5 N
6 N
7 N

8 S
9 S

10 N
11 N
12 N
13 N
14 N

15 S
16 S

17 N
18 N
19 N
20 N
21 N

22 S
23 S

24 N
25 N
26 N
27 N
28 N

29 S
30 S

31 N

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 4:18 pm
by osoniye
OK, folks, this is my first try at a monthly challenge...
I still reserve the right to decide on 2 NWS days at the last minute.
1 S
2 S

3 N Success
4 N Success
5 N Success
6 N Success
7 N Success

8 S
9 S

10 N
11 N
12 N
13 N

14 NWS
15 S
16 S

17 N
18 N
19 N
20 N
21 N

22 S
23 S

24 N
25 N
26 N
27 N
28 N

29 S
30 S

31 N

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 5:36 pm
by Jill d
I am in!
No S diet/14 minutes of anything

1 S: no sweets victory/2 mile hike
2 S: no sweets victory/day off exercise

3 N: green/shovelglove
4 N: green (despite severe temptation to snack at night)/3 mile hike
5 N:green/yardwork
6 N:green/yardwork
7 N: green/30 mins walking

8 S: ate sweets/30 min walk
9 S: ate sweets/45 min walk

10 N: green/day off exercise
11 N: green/swim 30 mins
12 N: green/red
13 N: green/swim with the kids at the pool
14 N: green/kids playground

15 S:ate sweets/playground
16 S: ate sweets/60 minute hike

17 N: green/day off
18 N: red':oops:'/yoga
19 N: greenYES!/shovelglove
20 N: sick day
21 N: sick day

22 S: medium excess
23 S: medium to large excess

24 N: green/30 mins walking
25 N: green/15 mins body weight exercises
26 N
27 N
28 S

29 S
30 S

31 N

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 5:14 am
by ironchef
I'm in. My goal is to have less red's that February (where I failed roughly once a week).

1 S :wink:
2 S :wink: A rather gross S day with four meals - bleurgh!

3 N :D
4 N :D
5 FAIL :(
6 N :D
7 FAIL :(

8 S :wink:
9 S :wink:

10 N :D
11 N :D
12 N :D
13 N :D
14 N :D

15 S :wink:
16 S :wink:

17 N :D
18 N :D
19 N :D
20 N :D
21 N :D

22 S :wink:
23 S :wink:

24 N :D
25 N :D
26 N :D
27 N :D
28 N :D

29 S
30 S

31 N :D

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 8:34 am
by eschano
Bump up :)

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 9:19 am
by eschano
I see more Green than Red for everyone here! Yay! Last N Day :mrgreen:

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 4:39 pm
by r.jean
My goal is to just do better than last month. I am tracking on my daily check in but will summarize weekly progress here.

Week one: 3 S days (one NWS day) and 4 green days
Plates were full and food choices were not great; but that is okay. I am going for reestablishing habit right now.
Exercise was good except one day. I gave it a red because I did not even get my lazy self out to walk the dog we are caring for several days a week. I do give myself up to one S day a week for exercise if I physically need it, but I rarely have a reason to not go ahead and do at least some mild exercise on resting days.

Week two: S days are still pretty indulgent, and there were two reds and three greens this week. Not so good. However, I am tracking and trying and not just ignoring. Also, I exercised every day. Some days I only did the minimum half hour of mild exercise, but I am building habit again.

Week three: I started out poorly with indulgent S days and a red on Monday, but finished well with four greens. Exercise was every day and was good.

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 9:16 am
by eschano
Bump up

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 2:02 am
by ironchef
Finally a green week! Could this be the month I get back to 21 days on habit??

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 12:16 pm
by Zoid

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 1:00 am
by ironchef
Finally hoping to get two back to back green weeks. Happy Days.

On the home straight for March now everyone - keep on keeping on!

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 9:38 am
by eschano
Bump up! To one last green day this week - yay!

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 1:18 pm
by Zoid

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:54 am
by eschano
Last few days!

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:26 am
by eschano
Last day!!! Come on everyone :D

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 11:53 pm
by clarinetgal
It wasn't my best month, but it wasn't a terrible month, either. My weight stayed basically the same, so I at least didn't gain weight. I will aim for doing better in April. These challenges help me to do a better job of staying on track.