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Working out with the No S Diet

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 4:50 pm
by Beth32
I already have a great workout system in place that keeps me active 4-5 days a week. I do mainly Les Milles group classes like BodyCombat (cardio) and BodyPump (weights) with some swimming and yoga thrown in for good measure.

My question is, do you guys ever work out with more than the shovelglove? Do you ever feel lightheaded when you work out between meals? Yesterday, I was trying to do BodyCombat about 4 hours after lunch and I just couldn't keep up. Like, total exhaustion and a little woozy. :oops: Normally I would have had a snack before class but I'm trying to go vanilla.

Suggestions? Should I be worried that I can't do an intense workout so far between meals? Is this the sign of a blood sugar issue or it's totally normal?


Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 9:56 pm
by eschano
Hi Beth32,

I don't do shovelglove. It's an unrelated system. While I think it sounds like a brilliant system it doesn't work with my schedule so I go to the gym and do other things, like dance classes about 3 times a week. On days when I go to the gym I make sure that I have a heavy, dense plate for lunch and I never had a problem.

However, if you still feel lightheaded after you had a big, dense plate for lunch you might have to consider a mod. It's all a big experiment to see how your body reacts to this after all :)

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 10:46 pm
by automatedeating
Those BodyCombat classes are pretty intense, so you are burning through your blood sugar faster than your liver can pump it out! :)

It is a blood sugar thing, but it could just mean your body (and specifically your liver) is adapting to only 3 meals a day. I noticed you only started 3 days ago?

But to go back to my first point, if you are going to be working out intensely on a regular basis, you may end up needing a small snack right before the class.

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 11:12 pm
by ironchef
I'm not as able to do stuff now that I'm working and looking after a toddler, but I have followed No-S while being a PT, weight training at the gym and training for a 1/2 marathon. Shovelglove and UrbanRanger are cool, but the only link with No-S is the same creator. I've never done either one, although of course I walk and bike places if I can.

When I was first getting started, I sometimes had a small glass of whole milk either before or after a training session, if I felt weird and couldn't time it to coincide with my meals. Milk is allowed, and there are plenty of calories in whole milk and protein etc, it's actually a good recovery food. Although there are the same calories in that milk as in a small snack, I felt better keeping the "no snack" rule, trying to retrain my habits. Remember your body is used to you drip feeding it little snacks all the time, and it will take a little while to get used to getting 3 squares.

As I got used to No-S, it wasn't such a big deal, and I could either time things better or just exercise without a recent meal (some people actually recommend working out in a fasted state). My long runs (2 hrs) I planned for weekends, so I could just use the S day.

The exercise drink and snack industry is very strong and has convinced us that working out requires special food and drink. Most of those things only apply to endurance athletes who are trying to continue their exertion for hours and hours on end.

If you try for a while and find you absolutely cannot adapt, then maybe consider high intensity work out days to have a 4th "mini-meal" (don't call it a snack), which is planned in advance. That takes the random snack habit out of things. Then in 6 months you might find you don't need it any more.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 1:50 am
by automatedeating
Great suggestions, iron chef!

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 1:30 pm
by r.jean
I also favor the liquid snack if you need it. It still trains you to not eat between meals when you can only drink your snack. Milk or tomato juice are my choices, but you may need something more substantial.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 1:56 pm
by minimizer
A purple cow (milk mixed with grape juice) might be a good option. I love 'em and I drank them sometimes between meals when first starting out.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 3:23 pm
by eschano
Also: coconut water :) It will re-hydrate you!

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 5:09 pm
by Beth32
Thank you, everyone! I really appreciate all of your suggestions.

I think I will try just a small bit of food pre-excersize (I was think a bite or two of protein bar would help) and hope that helps.

And I'm also going to try a "purple cow" just because at some random moment. I have never heard of such a thing so now I must try it.

Thank you, guys!!!!


Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 4:00 pm
by Nay-Nay
Hi Beth32, While I have fallen off the No S wagon, I have never stopped working out. I walk my dogs a couple of miles daily and do an intense body weight workout Monday - Friday. I would try to avoid the 4th meal if you can. Your body will adjust and the feeling will subside. In the meantime, I think Ironchef had a great idea with a glass of whole milk. Reinhard mentions this strategy in the book.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 5:14 am
by oolala53
I know I'm late but just want to say that Reinhard has pointed out that people in many cultures work at hard, physical labor for many hours a day without snacking.

Lightheadedness isn't always from low blood sugar or lack of food, but is often caused by a drop in blood pressure from changing intensity or position, both common in choreographed workouts. Eating beforehand doesn't prevent it. Slow down right when it happens. Preferably get your head lower than your heart. Move off to the side and do a standing forward bend. Breathe deeply and relax. Bend your knees to stand up slowly. Or sit and hang your head between your knees. You'll feel better in a few minutes.

BTW, kudos for regular exercise!

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 2:46 pm
by Beth32
Just wanted to give an update.

I decided last night to try to class again but this time to eat dinner beforehand (which is really early dinner for me - like had to eat it before leaving work - early). I made it a small dinner.

The results were not good. I got cramps and felt a little sick to my stomach and also STILL got woosy. I'd rather be hungry and woosy than crampy and woosy.

I'm not sure what happened. I used to be able to do this class no problem. I'm thinking it has something to do with all the water I've been drinking. Before, I could go all day on one bottle of water and not be thirsty. Now, I have to drink water all the time to reduce my desire for food between meals. It's really good at staving off hunger. And I've noticed is moving through my system much faster than before. I wonder if there is a connection there.

Thank you everyone for your suggestions. I may try Milk next week or try to just dig in and wait for it to equalize.

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 4:30 pm
by oolala53
I'd be very surprised if being hydrated would cause you to feel woozy. But who knows?

Contrary to so many recommendations, I'm not a big water drinker unless I'm going to or in dance class. I certainly try not to drink large amounts at a time, as that is how competitive eaters train. They don't eat a lot; they drink a lot of water, and they don't sip! It makes their capacity to eat a lot fast greatly increase.

Hope you find a way to enjoy your workout again soon.