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long term NoSers, need some advice

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 7:46 pm
by MJ7910
As you all know i've been doing NoS for over a year. I have turned 1 failure into 2 failure days. yesterday i had some ice cream and chocolate, it was actually rather small amount so although a failure it wasn't that bad. today i ate breakfast, lunch, just as usual. something came over me the last day or so where i'm feeling just "blah". none of my usual foods really appeal to me anymore. i ate a piece of pizza, granola bar, ice cream - few teaspoons, m and m's and then that wasn't enough so found 2 thin mints and half a pbj sandwich. that's a lot of food and i usually don't eat dinner until 4. this was about 2:50 that this all went down. the only way i can describe it is "something came over me". now it's in the past, i'd like a green for tomorrow Friday and i promised myself unless i'm hungry i won't be eating anything else today. my question for all of you long termers is... when this happens does it usually signify something for you? or is it just random? i have been more depressed than usual, haven't had much "me" time. perhaps that is the problem. also, i allowed myself to give in wednesday which led to justification today that since i had already ruined my week, might as well do it again. does it come in waves for you all? i am also trying to do this thing where i eat cleaner. perhaps the problem is with the organic food i've been eating, i miss my old favorites during the week like a piece of pizza (which woudl have actually been an acceptable part of dinner). perhaps if i want to keep this organic situation going (which i really do) i need to look into organic pizza? i am sure there are some good brands. another thing that came up this week is a friend of mine is doing the 21 day fix and she keeps telling me how much weight she has lost. i think it is just starting to get tempting again to try another 'diet" but i know i won't because i know what she is doing anyway. it's jsut a plan to eat small portions and eat cleaner. i can do that without a "program". anyway, whatever came over me i am going to try to have a good friday because i do want a green day tomorrow. just wondered for you all why it tends to happen or if you notice any patterns? i suppose probably my feelings of depression and restlessness have a lot to do with it. i just need to stop turning to food when i have feelings. it's a hard lesson to learn and a life long lesson. no matter how good we are at NoS most of the time, these things can still happen. i actually have not had a week like this in a long time. it's kind of scary... probably been a good 6 months since i've felt like this.

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 8:35 pm
by NoelFigart
Okay, for me No-S doesn't mean I have to eat perfectly healthy at all times or that comfort food never happens.

Lunch may very well be pizza some days. Pizza is No-S friendly as long as I don't have more than fits on a plate. Do I eat it every day? Goodness me, no. But if I have a bad day and want comfort food, as long as it isn't a sweet or a snack, it's going to find its way onto my plate at the next meal.

Wanting sweets when things are not going well? Heck yeah, I want them, and sometimes have a red day.

I don't know the URL off the top of my head, but the What the Hell Effect podcast and article that Reinhard did addresses the idea of throwing in the towel on a failure.

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:01 pm
by MJ7910
when i think about this a day later i realize it wasn't really that horrible. in my past with binges i let them get to epic proportions. in the past i was so uncomfortably full that it hurt. this time was just more than i usually eat but not the level i've been at before so that in itself is a victory. and i woke up hungry this morning and had my high fiber cereal and a banana so i'm going to do my best to keep friday a green. i realize if i want to keep the organic food idea going i have to make it stuff i will really enjoy and not get sick of. i'm sure there are many options if i look around. i do love pizza so going to see what i can find. i want to stay committed to organic because i know for me my body feels a lot better when i cut out as many preservatives as i can. so that's the plan. i'm not going to restrict myself saturday and sunday, i'm still planning on enjoying some treats. just back on track next week.

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:17 pm
by eschano

So I'm not a long-timer but...

Lately there have been many posts by old-timers struggling and I see three common themes in there, most of which you mentioned as well:

1. Going through a rough time at the moment: it seems that lots of people are having a rough time and what strikes me is that there is a lack of kindness to themselves. If I go through a rough time, I allow myself more comfort food within NoS, I make sure I'll be super-kind to myself in other ways (see LAM = looking after myself on my thread) and give myself a lot more slack. Plus, me time is really important so if you haven't gotten it lately that would be my personal #1 trigger.

2. Overthinking a red streak - it's a lifelong habit, we constantly evolve, it's no biggie, just mark it and move on. I wouldn't categorize myself as an old-timer, newby etc. This just adds extra pressure as if you should now HAVE to have it down. You don't. We're all living this big experiment called life. Keep experimenting, keep observing, don't make it mean anything.

3. Extra restrictions that go above and beyong NoS. Lots of mods around here. Like what is on your plate becomes so much more important but I think that in times of stress we should be giving ourselves a longer leash. In times of calm we can push ourselves again to find a new set-point.

Just some thoughts :)

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:21 pm
by eschano
Just saw your new post as I was writing mine. Remembering from my year in DC where I only ate organic (very against GMO and in the US it's hard to tell unless organic), I can confirm: there are great pizza options and all you can wish at organic shops.

Delighted you realised that your red streak wasn't so bad!

I do find that if I now overeat a little it feels like it used to when I overate a lot lot lot and that makes it feel like a bigger deal than it is.

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 4:37 pm
by automatedeating
Thanks for your great posts! All three of your points really resonated with me.

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 8:30 pm
by MJ7910
eschano wrote:Hiya,

So I'm not a long-timer but...

Lately there have been many posts by old-timers struggling and I see three common themes in there, most of which you mentioned as well:

1. Going through a rough time at the moment: it seems that lots of people are having a rough time and what strikes me is that there is a lack of kindness to themselves. If I go through a rough time, I allow myself more comfort food within NoS, I make sure I'll be super-kind to myself in other ways (see LAM = looking after myself on my thread) and give myself a lot more slack. Plus, me time is really important so if you haven't gotten it lately that would be my personal #1 trigger.

2. Overthinking a red streak - it's a lifelong habit, we constantly evolve, it's no biggie, just mark it and move on. I wouldn't categorize myself as an old-timer, newby etc. This just adds extra pressure as if you should now HAVE to have it down. You don't. We're all living this big experiment called life. Keep experimenting, keep observing, don't make it mean anything.

3. Extra restrictions that go above and beyond NoS. Lots of mods around here. Like what is on your plate becomes so much more important but I think that in times of stress we should be giving ourselves a longer leash. In times of calm we can push ourselves again to find a new set-point.

Just some thoughts :)
I agree with what you are saying about being too hard on myself. The disappointment I had was more about thinking I should have this down. When I look at the big picture it's fair to say I really didn't mess up that badly. You're right,maybe a longer instead of a shorter leash when we are going through a tough time. Still follow the rules but allow myself things I want as long as they are not sweets I can have them during my meal. today i took a long walk and cleared my mind which i'm sure helped. i also think you are right about overthinking a red streak. i won't be having a red day today and i know i'll get back on track. it's just a minor thing...

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 11:13 pm
by Blithe Morning
We are seasonal creatures. I have absolutely no proof of this but I tend to crave - by which I mean some deep longing that feels like more than just a desire - sweets in the spring.

Fall and winter aren't comfort food times for me. Early spring is.

I'm just glad I got through Girl Scout Cookie season mostly unscathed although there was one incident with Thin Mints.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 12:51 pm
by MJ7910
Blithe Morning wrote:We are seasonal creatures. I have absolutely no proof of this but I tend to crave - by which I mean some deep longing that feels like more than just a desire - sweets in the spring.

Fall and winter aren't comfort food times for me. Early spring is.

I'm just glad I got through Girl Scout Cookie season mostly unscathed although there was one incident with Thin Mints.
girl scout cookies are the hardest for me to get past! i got some samoas and ate almost the whole box in one weekend. luckily you only get 12 in a box now so it wasnt' that bad. i'm not a fan of minty stuff so thin mints are not a problem for me and that's all we have left in the house now. i have the hardest time with the peanut butter/chocolate ones and samoas. thankfully those are all gone and i will not be buying more! :)

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 8:45 pm
by mimi
Hi MJ! I'm a long-term NoSer (7 years on and off, but never giving up) and here are my thoughts about why this happens - and it still happens to me, by the way, even after reaching my weight loss goal almost a year-and-a-half ago.
You're more than likely tired, or emotionally drained, tried, taxed, or otherwise vulnerable to your body's cry of, "I want my old life back!" In that former life the solution was to cram in as much comfort food as you possibly could in order to feel better...right? The chips, ice-cream, cookies, salty snacks, or whatever your go-to comfort foods were.
My solution after it happens is to let it go, put it behind me, and continue my NoS life as usual. In other words, as coined by someone else on these boards, "Mark it and move on." And above all, be kind to yourself. And if it's any help to know this, I've only had about 3 or 4 episodes like this since I reached my goal. The longer you do NoS, the more ingrained it becomes.
Sometimes I can avoid a backslide like this by planning the next meal with foods that I really love and satisfy me the most - and maybe eating a little more than usual.
I hope this helps. Best wishes on your NoS journey!
Mimi :D

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:53 am
by eschano
Blithe Morning wrote:We are seasonal creatures.
So true! I also have no proof but then, I have proof for nothing at all, just experience with my own body that might be different from others. But hey, Reinhard had no proof and his experience seemed to work for lots of people :)

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 12:50 pm
by MerryKat
Ok so I have been doing No S for a loooooong time and I do well for a while and then stress creeps in and boom red days; which become red weeks which become red months spotted with green rather than the other way round!!!!

For me day to day stress is exacerbated if I don't have 'me' time. If I look at all the times I have succeeded most with No S it has been where a 14 min exercise plan is in place, my morning quiet time is in place and I make sure to chill on the odd day.

The other huge stress trigger for me is if I start making myself eat different things to what I usually do. I have noticed over time that my meals on No S have become healthier but most of it was not planned. When I have forced the issue then red days start taking over.

If you have suddenly started eating totally organic, that could well be the stress trigger, you may need to add back a few favourites until you manage to locate organic options. & even then if those options do not satisfy 100% you may need to keep a few not organic items in your day to day eating to mentally help you cope.

We truly are creatures of habit and it takes time to change those habits.

Allow yourself to have the odd red day - accept it and move on.
