Creaky's Intro

Take a sledgehammer and wrap an old sweater around it. This is your "shovelglove." Every week day morning, set a timer for 14 minutes. Use the shovelglove to perform shoveling, butter churning, and wood chopping motions until the timer goes off. Stop. Rest on weekends and holidays. Baffled? Intrigued? Charmed? Discuss here.
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Creaky's Intro

Post by creaky » Tue Jan 31, 2006 6:13 am

Hi Everyone,

I found this site last night by searching for 'functional exercises', bought my hammer tonight and used it. It felt good to do some real exercise. I may be a bit sore tomorrow. I was only able to do 8 minutes with a 8 pound (10.5 with handle) hammer. I felt my form getting bad and knew I needed to stop.

When I was a teen, I worked outside for the park service, picked up trash, cleared trails, etc. The shovelgloving had me doing the same type of movements. I like the SG as it feels like I'm doing real work, not just pumping iron.

I also walk during my breaks and lunch at work. I started to add some squats, lunges and calf raises during my walk to do some lower body exercises.

I also started the No S diet. I've lost 90 pounds over the past two years by exercise and watching what I ate and am looking to lose 30 more pounds to reach 150 lbs (5'6" female). Both SG and No S seem to be ways that I can continue to do for the rest of my life which is what I was looking for.

One question - on the SG page are listed about 4 exercises, but when reading the forum there seems to be variations and exercises created by users - is there one posting or page that lists the different variations? Maybe I could use the google search, but am not sure what keywords to use. Thanks in advance.


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Re: Creaky's Intro

Post by itf » Tue Jan 31, 2006 6:49 am

Hi, Creaky, and welcome.
creaky wrote: One question - on the SG page are listed about 4 exercises, but when reading the forum there seems to be variations and exercises created by users - is there one posting or page that lists the different variations? Maybe I could use the google search, but am not sure what keywords to use. Thanks in advance.
Scroll down the main page until you reach the table labeled "Shovelglove evolution". Check the bottom rows and you will see more exercises, including links to pages describing each one. (This only covers Reinhard-created exercises; so far as I know there is no master list of everything community members have managed to come up with.)

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Post by reinhard » Tue Jan 31, 2006 2:28 pm

Welcome, creaky.

The shovelglove home page wasn't ever really rewritten as I came up with new stuff, just accreted to over time, so the movements aren't listed in the most obvious place.

A single "registry of movements" page (both mine and others', with links to relevant posts) is a great idea...

You did the right thing stopping when it was getting too much. In the beginning especially you want to be very careful. Building the habit is the first priority -- and not hurting yourself (besides being a pretty important good in itself) is key to that.


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