
Take a sledgehammer and wrap an old sweater around it. This is your "shovelglove." Every week day morning, set a timer for 14 minutes. Use the shovelglove to perform shoveling, butter churning, and wood chopping motions until the timer goes off. Stop. Rest on weekends and holidays. Baffled? Intrigued? Charmed? Discuss here.
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Post by ikuryakin3 » Wed Dec 13, 2006 4:22 am

This may have been covered long ago, but has anybody googled the term "shugging"?

I happened to do so when thinking of mentioning my new exercise routine in a holiday year-in-review mailing.

The results were, uh, troubling.

It's a fair estimate to say that some of the competing definitions (e.g. in Urban might make you want to avoid telling your friends, family, perhaps your parole officer (where applicable).

I googled it again just before posting and found that posts from this message board are steadily climbing up the ranks, which leads me to suggest that we pursue one of two options:

1) Picking a new term entirely.

2) Using it exclusively so that it supplants all other available meanings in the popular consciousness (also known as google).

Open Channel D.

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Post by reinhard » Wed Dec 13, 2006 10:32 am

You'd think someone (me, maybe) would have done this by now.... wow.

Not one but two legally/morally/socially dubious/embarrassing definitions:

On the other hand, the term also has an established exercise connotation: ... -2086.html
If we go through the huge variation of shrugs then yes a lot of them can help. Things like shugging on an incline bench will retract the scapula as well as the variety you mentioned. The thing is I would bet that goldwave is only talking about the classic pick up a barbell and lift your shoulders to your ears variety. This won't emphasis scapular retraction and will really only work the upper traps.
It also seems to mean "to crawl, to sneak"

Most commonly it's a misspelling of "shrugging."

And it has a drinking meaning:
I'd be horrified if I got home and saw you shugging pints of Guinness every night ;
And of course, if you do any or all of these activities too much you might turn into this:
The Shug Monkey is a ghost-like hairy humanoid that fits squarely into the "big hairy monster" or "hairy biped" category of Bigfoot's weirder cousins. It is sighted in Rendlesham Forest in Britain, in the Suffolk area
I say there are enough definitions that we just stand our ground. It would be nice to displace that first google hit... so let's proudly keep shugging in our preferred sense and tilt the usage in our favor (I bet I could settle this once and for all by registering A confused and disreputable past is no obstacle to re-neologism.


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Post by ikuryakin3 » Wed Dec 13, 2006 11:18 am

A good plan, perhaps. I also thought we could introduce some new move titles or retitle old moves to reinforce this position. My suggestions:

Master of Your Domain.

King/Queen of the Castle.

Pass the Shovel on the Left Hand Side
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Post by mrs.cummings » Fri Dec 15, 2006 9:26 pm

Wow! I expanded my vocabulary a lot today. Not necessarily for the better.... :wink:


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