Progress Report

Take a sledgehammer and wrap an old sweater around it. This is your "shovelglove." Every week day morning, set a timer for 14 minutes. Use the shovelglove to perform shoveling, butter churning, and wood chopping motions until the timer goes off. Stop. Rest on weekends and holidays. Baffled? Intrigued? Charmed? Discuss here.
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Progress Report

Post by sherlock » Sat Dec 27, 2008 7:55 am

I started shugging on Monday, and made it through the entire week problem-free. It was a fun week; I woke up each morning looking forward to the work for the day ahead. Obviously I took Christmas off, but it was still a good week.

I would like to say I have already started to notice changes in my body. But that would be a lie. My forearms do feel stronger, but I that is more psychological than anything. My head keeps telling me that there is not an exercise out there that would yield results in only four days. But I like the path that I am on right now.

My routine, though, could perhaps use some tweaking. After ten minutes I am tired, but not drop-dead exhausted. I don't think fourteen minutes would be a problem, so I will probably bump up starting next week (which is earlier than I anticipated).

Here was my basic routine for the first week:

- shovel x15
- churn butter x15
- drive fenceposts x15
- stoke the oven x15
- paddle canoe x15
- the fireman x15
- chop wood x15
- hoist sack x15
- tuck bails x15
- ab killer x10
- pull weeds x10
- slapshot x10 (<--- this is a move I am experimenting with to try to help my golf game. It's at best a work in progress)

Looking back on the week, I feel like I am using too many moves. I can finish this routine in ten minutes (give or take 30 seconds). But I think I would be better off if I eliminate a few of these moves and instead try to get through the routine twice. The moves that feel like they are having the smallest impact are the following: hoist sack, ab killer, pull weeds. I may abandon my slapshot move as well, because after four days I can't make it feel useful.I will probably do at least another week of the rep cycle above.

I know that shovelglove is about a long term habit rather than short term goals. That being said, I am going on a vacation next June, and I've set a general goal of being satisfied with the way I look by then. I don't want to get too bogged down in specific goals, and I certainly don't want to lose sight of the bigger picture. But I also want to keep myself motivated, and I feel like this will help.

It seems that I arrived a little late to the shovelglove party, as activity on this board (at least in the shovelglove section) appears to be fairly slow. That said, I still plan to check in on this thread every week or so for my own piece of mind.


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Post by reinhard » Sun Dec 28, 2008 4:09 am

Glad you're enjoying your first week of shovelglove.

"Psychological" strength is not nothing -- enjoy! The real thing comes surprisingly quickly.

I don't think your routine has too many moves. I do even more. And I don't think it's a problem if some moves are harder than others. There are no periods of total rest in the routine, so having a few "less strenuous" moves might even be a good thing. Do a few more reps of the easy moves if you want to balance it out. They quickly become hard.

If you want to fill out your routine to 14 minutes, here's what I do:

Mondays and tuesdays are "high rep set" days. I do one set of each move, but with a pretty high number of reps per set. The number of reps depends on the move.

Wednesdays and Thursdays are low rep set days. I do 7 reps sets of each move -- and then do a second set of each.

And Fridays are "freestyle." I'll generally do a "nucleus" of one 7 rep set of each move and fill out the rest of the routine with other stuff, from new moves people have posted to the site, to shadow boxing with very light dumbells, to doing one handed moves with my (now light seeming) original 12 pounder.


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Post by sherlock » Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:24 am

Thank you for the advice on your current weekly routine. I will take that into consideration for week three.

Week two was up and down. I shovelgloved every day (except New Years Day), but a couple of days I didn't feel like I got as strenuous a workout as other days. Overall, I still feel good. I upped to fourteen minutes without any problems, and I did slightly modify my routine. (Though, at your suggestion, Reinhard, I did keep a couple "easy" moves that gave me a short break during the workout.)

I am not doing No-S, because I am not looking to lose weight. That said, this week I ate like crap compared to most weeks. I am pretty mad at myself for that.

Otherwise, things are going smoothly. After two weeks, I feel stronger than when I started, and it feels good. (Though as I mentioned in my first post in this thread, I am convinced that this change is merely psychological.) But I like the makeup of my current routine, and the sledge already feels lighter than when I began.

The real test will come next week, as I am starting a new job on Monday. I don't know how my new schedule will affect my shovelglove, but If I can keep up with it throughout the transition hopefully it will stick for the long haul.

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Post by sherlock » Sat Jan 10, 2009 6:08 pm

Quick update:

I have now been on the program for three weeks, or thirteen actual shovelglove days. I haven't missed an n-day yet, including this past week when my life underwent a radical shift in scheduling due to my new job.

After three weeks I still don't feel like the habit has formed, because I had to start getting up at 5:45 shug instead of doing it mid-morning. A couple more weeks of the exact same schedule should do the trick, but for now I definitely have to force myself into it. Getting up that early is not easy, but I always remind myself how upset I will be at myself later on if I skip it... and it works.

Even though it hasn't been very long, I do feel like I am making some marginal gains; the sledge feels lighter in my hands, I can get through the routine easier, etc. (There have also been some small aesthetic gains, but I always wonder if my mind is just tricking me on those.) Most importantly, I feel better about myself.

Reinhard: out of curiosity, how long were you shovelgloving before you noticed significant changes? Maybe you were doing doing some work outside that was supposed to be hard but wasn't, maybe you were looking in the mirror and thought, "wow", or maybe someone else said something to you. Who knows. I am just wondering when you realized that it was working the way you wanted.

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Progress Report

Post by wrharper » Mon Jan 26, 2009 6:13 am


I started seeing results in only a few weeks, but I was starting from skinny guy pipe cleaner arms. My wife can feel the difference too. :) I can see the difference in my forearms. It isn't like they are bulging, but there are little muscles there now, that were not discernable before.

I've been at it since just after Thanksgiving, so far so good.

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Post by reinhard » Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:08 pm

Reinhard: out of curiosity, how long were you shovelgloving before you noticed significant changes?
I don't quite remember. I'll have to poke around in my "audiodidact" diary and email for evidence. I probably imagined results before they actually materialized. I certainly was immediately blown away by how fun it was.

Just poked a bit and this is all I managed to come up with:

Hi Reinhard,
How long did it take to turn into "an anatomy lesson"?????
I don't know! I never figured when I started that I'd stick with it for so long, so I didn't pay very precise attention. It's also been a pretty smooth procession.... I keep getting a little stronger and more anatomically instructive. I'll see if I can find something in my voice memo notes to indicate a "wow, I like mirrors!" moment. The obvious terms aren't yielding anything.

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Post by sherlock » Mon Feb 02, 2009 5:36 am

It's been awhile since I've posted here, but rest assured, all is well. I have only missed one N-day since starting on 12/22/08, and that was last week when I was feeling sick.

Wrharper: I was in the same boat as you when I started. After a few weeks I noticed minor changes, but as Reinhard mentioned, I sometimes feel like I am merely imagining results.

But after six weeks, I'm definitely seeing some changes in my body. My arms aren't bulging and my abs aren't ripped, but there have been minor differences that let me know that it has been working. I just need to keep after it.

Two things:

I definitely need to reassess my diet. I eat fairly sensibly -- avoiding junk food and soda -- but I do feel like I consume too much in general. I have a desk job, and work long hours, so aside from Shovelglove I don't get much exercise. I don't need to be eating as much as I do. I'm not fat, but I do have some excess flab in a couple of areas that doesn't want to go away with just shovelglove. I'll try to start logging what I eat and then figure out where I can make cuts.

I also noticed last week that my form was bad on a few moves, specifically the shoveling and chop wood. I couldn't believe it when it hit me, but somewhere along the way I had changed the way I had been performing those moves! I am kind of disappointed in myself, because it is almost like it was wasted time. But at least I can correct myself now.

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Post by winnie96 » Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:05 pm

sherlock wrote:I also noticed last week that my form was bad on a few moves, specifically the shoveling and chop wood. I couldn't believe it when it hit me, but somewhere along the way I had changed the way I had been performing those moves!
Sherlock, I'm prone to the same thing. To keep myself from forging on with bad technique, I have a recurring Monday task to review the video for one of the 10 moves that I do on a regular basis, so over the course of two months or so, I've checked up on all of them.

I think it's pretty easy to get a bit complacent ("I know how to do this") or sloppy ("I'll just coast through this one"), but I find that the weekly review helps to keep me more or less on target.

I also notice that sometimes I tweak a move, thinking my version might be more effective, but I really don't know anything about this stuff and really prefer to do the moves as illustrated. The review helps to reveal the tweaks so I can get back to "vanilla".

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Post by sherlock » Sun Feb 22, 2009 7:37 pm

Two months ago today I started shovelgloving, and I am happy to say that I have only missed one day so far.

I am feeling better about myself already, but there is still work to do. I helped a friend of mine move a couple of weeks ago, and I was noticing that I was having an easier time lifting some of his heavy stuff and I didn't get tired as easy as I expected. That was pleasing, but it only makes me wonder how I will feel after keeping it up for six months, a year, three years, etc.

I am still having some dietary problems, but I am doing better. I have cut back on the amount I eat while substituting water, so by the time dinner rolls around I am pretty hungry. I think I eat fairly well for both breakfast and lunch, but dinner can be problematic depending on how tired I am and how hungry I am. But I am getting there.

The other thing I would mention is Minnesota is miserable in Winter; I really antsy for it to warm up so I can start walking more. (I suppose I *could* go for walks now, but I am not especially interested in doing so when its 2 or 3 degrees above 0.) I just need to find something else to do as a substitute.

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Post by sherlock » Sun Feb 22, 2009 7:42 pm

winnie96 wrote:
sherlock wrote:I also noticed last week that my form was bad on a few moves, specifically the shoveling and chop wood. I couldn't believe it when it hit me, but somewhere along the way I had changed the way I had been performing those moves!
Sherlock, I'm prone to the same thing. To keep myself from forging on with bad technique, I have a recurring Monday task to review the video for one of the 10 moves that I do on a regular basis, so over the course of two months or so, I've checked up on all of them.

I think it's pretty easy to get a bit complacent ("I know how to do this") or sloppy ("I'll just coast through this one"), but I find that the weekly review helps to keep me more or less on target.

I also notice that sometimes I tweak a move, thinking my version might be more effective, but I really don't know anything about this stuff and really prefer to do the moves as illustrated. The review helps to reveal the tweaks so I can get back to "vanilla".
I enjoyed your idea of reviewing the videos of the movements, so much so that I started doing that myself when I first read your post. Thanks for the tip!

I'm in the same boat as you: maybe my tweaks ARE more effective, but it also may just SEEM more effective. Reinhard has shown that the methods in the videos does work, so I may as well stick with those.

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Post by winnie96 » Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:13 am

Hi Sherlock -- I'm glad to hear that you found reviewing the videos helpful. Sounds like you are making wonderful progress!

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Post by reinhard » Tue Feb 24, 2009 7:55 pm

Two months ago today I started shovelgloving, and I am happy to say that I have only missed one day so far.
Congratulations! That is excellent.
The other thing I would mention is Minnesota is miserable in Winter;
I was an undergrad in Madison, Wisconsin, so I can sympathize... (now in comparatively mild Massachusetts :-)).


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Post by sherlock » Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:42 am

Wow, it's been a lot longer since I have posted here than I thought it has been. I'm probably due for an update.

March 22 marked my three month anniversary of shovelgloving. I had only missed two days up to that point. I missed one day a few days later when I was house sitting and didn't bring my sledge, and then I missed almost a week due to a bizarre illness. I didn't really feel that sick, but when I tried to shovelglove I got nauseated and lightheaded about 5 minutes in. I felt I was safer just giving it up all together until I felt better.

I also realized something: I don't "love" shovelgloving anymore. I still enjoy it and think it is useful, but when I first began I couldn't wait to get up and do the routine. Now I just think of it as exercise, but more convienent and a more interesting. I feel good when I am done, but I don't miss it on the weekend the way I used to.

So with that in mind, I've temporarily stopped shovelgloving. I'm still sticking to the habit, but for the past few days I've been doing bodyweight exercises -- pushups, squats, situps, jumping jacks, etc. for my workout. It has been giving me a nice burn and I can get it done in a reasonable amount of time. I definitely will go back to shovelgloving, but I do enjoy a change of pace every now and then.

The other thing I am excited for is the forthcoming warm weather. That means I can start golfing again. I typically golf four times per week. I'm a member at a course that is roughly four miles long. So thats about 12-16 miles walked per week, while carrying a bag of golf clubs. On top of that, we like to go biking on weekends.

In sum, things are still going well. I'm switching gears to more bodyweight exercises temporarily, but I'm sticking with the habit. And of course, I'm excited for summer.

Hope all is well with everyone here.

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Post by sherlock » Tue May 12, 2009 4:51 am

Even though I don't really post here very much, I do read the boards every few days. And it does make me feel good to post an update here every now and then.

So with that in mind, here goes:

Since my last post I have gotten back in to actually shovelgloving. I still do the bodyweight exercises every now and then but it's back to the sledge. Although, I did switch to slightly heavier dumbbells for some moves, and I incorporated the mace swings into the routine. The mace swings are fun, but I am not sure how effective they are with a 10 pound sledge.

Things are still going well. Looking back over my habitcal, March and April were a little rough. I missed four n-days in March, and five in April. Oofta. I'm back on track now, but I switched my S-days to Friday and Saturday.

Unfortunately, I haven't really done progress-tracking photos or weigh-ins. But I have been told people can notice a difference in my appearance. I can only go by how I feel, and I feel like I have more endurance when golfing and playing volleyball.

I think that's about it. Also, I got engaged two weeks ago! And I worked some exercise into it by proposing at the top of the highest peak in Minnesota. This required a seven mile round trip hike of moderate-intensity. It was a good day all around!

Hope all is well for everyone here.

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Woo Hoo!

Post by la_loser » Tue May 12, 2009 1:30 pm

Woo Hoo! Congratulations! And your shovelgloving will be just the ticket to help you carry someone over the threshold!
LA Loser. . . well on my way to becoming an LA Winner. :lol:

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Post by reinhard » Wed May 13, 2009 7:27 pm

Thanks for the update, sherlock!

I think the 14 minute temporal structure is more important than the kind of exercise you do, but I am very partial to swinging a sledgehammer around, and it's gratifying to hear that you're back with it too.
The mace swings are fun, but I am not sure how effective
If they're fun, you'll be more inclined to do them -- and that is guaranteed more effective than doing nothing.
I think that's about it. Also, I got engaged two weeks ago!


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Post by Le Mercenaire » Thu Aug 20, 2009 4:11 pm

Hi Sherlock!
The other thing I would mention is Minnesota is miserable in Winter; I really antsy for it to warm up so I can start walking more. (I suppose I *could* go for walks now, but I am not especially interested in doing so when its 2 or 3 degrees above 0.) I just need to find something else to do as a substitute.
I can totally relate as I'm living in Canada. I'm not walking, but I bike a lot and here's one thing I've noticed: if I'm doing it regularly, the bad weather doesn't bug me as much as when I do it only once in a while. It's as if I get in the groove of biking, and, whatever the weather, I just get on it and do it. As an example, I usually bike until very late in the fall (mid November to early December) as long as there is no snow (too dangerous) and I'm equipped to ride down to -10 C (around 14 F).

Just my two cents!

And welcome to the forum!

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Post by sherlock » Mon Nov 02, 2009 6:52 am

Wow, I just realized I haven't posted anything here since May. Yikes.

Even though I have been inactive on the board, I should say I am pretty pleased with the way things are going so far. Going back to May, I had only missed a couple of days of shovelglove. What do I have to show for it? Other than the incalculables ("I feel stronger" and "my endurance is better"), the only measurable trait I have is this: I have more than tripled the number of pull ups I can do. Not bad for 14 minutes per day.

Unfortunately, October has been r-o-u-g-h for both of the main habits I track on habitcal, which is namely soda intake and shovelglove. I previously limited myself to only one soda per week, which was usually no trouble (and I counted other less-than-healthy drinks as soda, as well). However, at the end of September I accepted a new job that has me working long hours and traveling extensively. As a result, October has brought little exercise and lots of eating on the road. I need to fix this, fast.

One thing I have noticed: watching the show Dirty Jobs puts me in the mood to shovelglove. It's not hard to see why, as the show is entirely about glorifying jobs that require good old fashioned hard work. But having a few episodes saved on the TiVo has definitely been helpful to my own habits!

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Post by Kevin » Mon Nov 02, 2009 9:53 pm

Traveling for work is a killer. I have a portable gym from Lifeline USA ( that's great for travel - you'd be surprised how good the workout is. Pretty cheap too. The rubber cables from them last a long time...

sherlock wrote:Wow, I just realized I haven't posted anything here since May. Yikes.

Even though I have been inactive on the board, I should say I am pretty pleased with the way things are going so far. Going back to May, I had only missed a couple of days of shovelglove. What do I have to show for it? Other than the incalculables ("I feel stronger" and "my endurance is better"), the only measurable trait I have is this: I have more than tripled the number of pull ups I can do. Not bad for 14 minutes per day.

Unfortunately, October has been r-o-u-g-h for both of the main habits I track on habitcal, which is namely soda intake and shovelglove. I previously limited myself to only one soda per week, which was usually no trouble (and I counted other less-than-healthy drinks as soda, as well). However, at the end of September I accepted a new job that has me working long hours and traveling extensively. As a result, October has brought little exercise and lots of eating on the road. I need to fix this, fast.

One thing I have noticed: watching the show Dirty Jobs puts me in the mood to shovelglove. It's not hard to see why, as the show is entirely about glorifying jobs that require good old fashioned hard work. But having a few episodes saved on the TiVo has definitely been helpful to my own habits!
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Post by Huffdogg » Sat Nov 21, 2009 10:43 pm

are you driving for work or flying? If driving, mostly, I see no reason why you couldn't simply take your shugger around with you. Hmm...I'm seeing a usefulness here for a "collapsible" travel hammer. Telescoping detachable handle perhaps?
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Post by sherlock » Thu Nov 26, 2009 2:30 am

I drive, but unfortunately I don't drive to one place and stay there most of the day. I drive to perhaps 4 or 5 places, often with hours of drive time. I have yet to find the time to shovelglove during these trips, but I am still hopeful that I'll figure out a way.

For now, I've been doing a better job of shovelgloving after I get home at night. Still missed some days, but I have been adjusting.

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