Would you like fries with that? New Shovelglove Exercise!

Take a sledgehammer and wrap an old sweater around it. This is your "shovelglove." Every week day morning, set a timer for 14 minutes. Use the shovelglove to perform shoveling, butter churning, and wood chopping motions until the timer goes off. Stop. Rest on weekends and holidays. Baffled? Intrigued? Charmed? Discuss here.
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Would you like fries with that? New Shovelglove Exercise!

Post by Jammin' Jan » Wed Oct 26, 2005 11:22 pm


1)Go to your nearest McDonald's. You don't have to eat there if you don't want.

2) Stand where you can see the French Fry person at work.

3) Observe him/her lifting the basket of fries out of the oil and then dumping the basket into the bin. This is your Shovelglove movement.
Men can do this one-handed; women probably need two hands.

4) Dump into the bin on the left of you for number of reps., then switch hands and dump into the bin on the right of you. Remember, you have to actually flip the head of your sledgehammer over to get those fries out of the basket.

How to make this exercise more challenging: thoroughly coat both hands with oil. You can salt 'em too, if you like.

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Post by reinhard » Thu Oct 27, 2005 1:28 pm

Very nice.. sounds a little like "churning butter." I wonder how many of these you'd have to do to burn off an order of medium fries? :wink:

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Post by carolejo » Thu Oct 27, 2005 2:22 pm


Gonna try that one tonight !!

It's a contemporary twist on the whole 'useful movements' thing.


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Post by Azathoth » Thu Oct 27, 2005 2:52 pm

A few comments...
1)Go to your nearest McDonald's. You don't have to eat there if you don't want.
It would be quite the task to go watch those delicious fries being made and smell all those smells and not eat there. For this reason alone I'll attempt to do this move from my memories of fast food when I SG tomorrow.
Men can do this one-handed; women probably need two hands.
I can only imagine the verbal riot that would ensue had a man made this comment on this, or any other forum, instead of a woman. ;)

But in all seriousness, thanks for the suggestion, I always enjoy throwing something different in at the end of my SG workout. I schedule a gradually increasing routine for myself (it gets faster as I get stronger so I can add more) that usually allows 30 seconds to a minute at the end for "freestyle" moves or anything else I feel like doing.

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Thu Oct 27, 2005 9:06 pm

Reinhard, it's not like churning butter at all! In that exercise, your shovelglove is vertical (perpendicular to the ground). In "Dumping Fries", it is horizontal, out in front of you. Go to McDonald's...you'll see.

Azathoth, sorry, I'm not very politically correct, I guess. As far as I can tell, men typically have more upper body strength than women. Or so I experienced in karate class.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Oct 27, 2005 11:59 pm

Men can do this one-handed; women probably need two hands.
I can only imagine the verbal riot that would ensue had a man made this comment on this, or any other forum, instead of a woman.

Az! You perv!!! LOL..

ps... Jan... The problem is that we don't get that great extra benefit of breathing in all that carcinogenic burning oil when we SG...

I have often thought how day to day activities like "Draining pasta" in a collander is very good for the arms! LOL...

Since exercising, both with SG and Yoga, I can say, with total honesty, I have increased my pasta draining skills immensly!
But I worked as an assistant manager at "Ivars" in Washington State back in the early nineties, (Like Long John Silvers,,,, ahem, no smart comments there Az!!! LOL ) and I will definitely, never ever, work at any fast food fry joint again!!! LOL...

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Post by carolejo » Fri Oct 28, 2005 7:18 am

I have to say, that I'd definately class myself as a feminist - but I never saw the point in trying to deny the TRUTH about the way we are built. Men (on average) have more upper body strength than women. Women (on average) do better in school (at least until they become socially aware that 'smart' women are perceived in many cases to be less attractive to men, anyhow, but that's a whole different arguement!) I could never see what was so wrong with pointing out the obvious facts, even if it wasn't 'politically correct' to say so! :lol:

...Dump the fries is *definately* a two-handed job for this girl! It's only smart, actually, as we should all be aware of our limits otherwise we might injure ourselves.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Oct 28, 2005 11:43 am


You missed Az's joke entirely!!!! LOL...
Ask Steve to explain it to you...


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Post by Kevin » Fri Oct 28, 2005 12:05 pm

Jan, do you shake it up and down to get those pesky bottom clingers free of the basket? That would add a lot to the motion!

I'm fairly strong, and I couldn't do these motions one handed (at least not at the high reps I do most SG motions at).

I'm going to stay away from the jokes entirely, although every fiber of my being is screaming for me to work something in. There is so much material in justs the few posts here...
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Post by carolejo » Fri Oct 28, 2005 1:14 pm

Oh I figured it out alright, Deb, just thought I'd try to bring us back UP to gutter level *grin* :lol:

Besides, I was trying to respond to things the way JAN meant them.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Oct 28, 2005 1:30 pm

Yeah, little Jan!
She meant well!!!
Just us pervs who twisted it all up!!!!
Ha ha ha !!!!

Have a great day lassy!
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Post by Azathoth » Fri Oct 28, 2005 2:24 pm

Well, I must say I didn't think my comment would cause such unrest amongst the natives... actually, I had not intended any type of perverse joke, but now that I re-read it I think it's rather funny. I was actually just sort of being a jerk in the face of "political correctness" in general (a concept that I find very often to be extremely annoying). I've seen so many forums where a comment like that will spark a political correctness debate so I thought that I'd preemptively insert my sarcasm (which, as usual, is lost in a text only forum where neither tone of voice or facial expressions can exist).

I think it's excellent that you all can appreciate that there are physical differences between men and women (if that wasn't the case this really wouldn't be all that interesting of a world to live in). I absolutely believe there are distinct physical, emotional, and intellectual differences. I am of course not saying that either gender is "better" or "worse" in any of these areas; I find that we are simply very different creatures who handle different physical exertions in different ways, deal with emotional stress and stimuli in different ways, and analyze and work with intellectual situations and dilemmas in different ways. It is precisely these differences that make us all the more interesting to be around and share things with... but hey, that's just me.

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