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A coal mining scenario?

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 2:40 pm
by phayze
I had this thought last night while digging through my CDs for some good labor-related songs. I've thought of a few moves that seem to fit, but I'm sure some of you more experienced shovel-bums would have some ideas to help fill it out.

Picking - basically chopping wood, but the imagery is of using a pick axe on the mine wall.

Breaking Rocks - spike driving, but imagine that you're hitting very large chunks of rock or coal to break them into a more manageable size.

Load the Cart - shoveling, but with extra lift, as if scooping up coal from the mine floor and dumping it into a cart that's about 3 and a half feet tall.

Pump the Handcart - I think someone suggested this already, but I can't find the thread now. Hold the SG by the head and pump up and down with your arms and/or a squat.

Union Rally - As if picketing the corrupt mine-owners treatment of you, hold your SG like a protest sign and pump it up and down rhythmically. Chanting protest songs would be optional.

14 minutes of traditional coal mining songs would, of course, be a must.

Any other ideas?

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 8:27 pm
by VanillaGorilla
Union Rally - As if picketing the corrupt mine-owners treatment of you, hold your SG like a protest sign and pump it up and down rhythmically. Chanting protest songs would be optional.
I actually do something like that from time to time. I hold the hammer as close to the bottom of the handle as I can and do pretty much what you described. I just didn't have a name for it, is all.... :lol:

Cool ideas there. 8) Cheers!

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 9:07 pm
by david
The Union Rally idea is really funny!

Good work, Phayze!


Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 11:14 pm
by gratefuldeb67
The Union Rally idea is really funny!
Ditto!!! :lol:

How's your arms today Phayze?
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 11:44 am
by phayze
Glad you folks like the union rally idea - it's just weird enough to be funny, and yet still relevant (sadly, coal miners are still treated like dirt by the mine owners).

After I wrote that I found Reinhard's similar ideas in the archive from the old forum and particularly like "attack the scab" (fireman/"smite the orc", I think). I had envisioned the rally turning violent when Sheriff Blaire's thugs showed up, making a nice excuse for chop the tree, smite the orc, leap up/stab face, or some free style.

See, Shovelgloving is not only fun and healthy - it's also educational! ;)

Arms are better today, Deb, but still kind of unhappy. Hopefully they'll feel cooperative tomorrow.

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 2:19 pm
by reinhard
Great scenario and link, Phayze.

I gotta get an mp3 of that song...

In all seriousness (well, maybe in half seriousness), Shovelglove is a kind of communion with our laboring ancestors.


Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 2:27 pm
by phayze
Thanks, Reinhard!

If you find that mp3. let me know where - I've only heard it live, and I'd love to have it for my SG playlist. :)