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Wednesday workout - Full Speed Ahead !!!!

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 6:21 pm
by srbliss
I thought I would challenge myself this morning for my mid-week workout.
I upped my reps on almost everything and couldn't finish before 14 minutes so I worked on speed and quickly changing from one movement to the next.
Here it is. Left side then Right side. 10 pound hammer.

Reps Exercise
25 Regular shovels
20 One handed butter churns
15 No name
20 Smite the Orc
20 Butt scratchers (tuck bales)
20 Drive fence posts
20 Stoke fire
20 Reverse smite the Orc (hit the Orc standing over your shoulder)
20 Paddle canoe
20 Chop wood
20 Bust foundation
20 Beat fender (from the floor using mostly leg and back pump the hammer up and down like beating a fender out in pit lane after a wreck)
25 Cross shovels

I would have made it in 14 minutes (barely) if I didn't have to stop and wipe the sweat off of the handle and my hands twice.

Then I tried something new to me - bar bell swings. These are great, they workout almost your entire body at once and really get me huffing and puffing.
15 Two hand bar bell swings (40lbs.)

Just for fun I thought I would try to do some pushups. I was shocked that I could do 40 Pushups! :D

There is no way in h*ll I could have done this just two weeks ago. Shovelglove really, really works.

I look forward to being as "strong as F*^k"!


Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:12 pm
by phayze
nice work, Steve!

keep it up and you'll be "strong as F*^k" in no time! :lol

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:54 pm
by david

Basic, unadulturated rock. 100% :twisted:



Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 9:03 pm
by srbliss
I am amazed that I don't feel stiff or sore at all. :D

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 10:44 pm
by SaveFerris

I've heard of swings with dumbells and kettlebells, but haven't heard of a barbell swing yet. Are they done similarly?

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 5:03 am
by srbliss
SaveFerris wrote:Steve

I've heard of swings with dumbells and kettlebells, but haven't heard of a barbell swing yet. Are they done similarly?
OOPS! I meant dumbells swings. I'll go fix it now.