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Frustrated - anyone else have this problem?

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:10 pm
by clarabear
Hi all,

So I bought my small sledgehammer last week and did a mild 7-minute workout on Saturday. Sunday I felt a mild soreness in the appropriate areas. Monday I came down with a cold and fever.

This exact pattern has happened to me a number of times, so often that I doubt it can be a coincidence. I am a couch potato, and whenever I start a moderately challenging exercise program, I get sick. Is my body determined to stay chubby and weak? What the Hell?

I think I'd been fighting off this cold for two weeks now, as I have noticed a mild sore throat on and off for that long. Is it possible that the exercise stimulated my lazy immune system to full action in the fight against the virus, and that's why I got sick now?

Anyway, I find this sequence of events really, really frustrating.


Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:44 pm
by phayze
I'm sorry to hear that you're off to a rough start. :(

I've actually heard that working out at the onset of illness is good for you because it stimulates endorphins and kickstarts your metabolism, but I think if you over-do it then you'll just wear out your body and not have any strength left to fend off the bugs. Sort of cuts both ways . . .

I'd take it easy for a day or two and work through the fever before picking up the hammer again, but don't get discouraged! Getting started is always the hardest part, after that it's smooth sailing. :)

Take care of yourself - I hope you start feeling better soon!

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 1:24 am
by J Ellis
Sounds like a weak immune system. This type of reaction is common in endurance athletes (e.g. marathon runners), but your immune system may be depressed simply due to being unfit.

I would start slow and low. Try to find a level that does not stimulate an immune system response. Even 2-5 minutes of SG is a place to start. In the meantime, your best option may be to start walking daily. Wait until your fever is gone. As with SG, begin slowly. Five minutes of daily walking (~1/4 mile) can probably be doubled after a week of daily practice and so on. Once you are walking 2-3 miles per day you will likely find that your immune system will be able to handle a 14 minute SG routine.

Above all, don't despair or give up! You may visit a doctor and ask his advice, but don't abandon the idea of regular exercise. If you do, your health problems are liable to only become worse.


Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 12:23 pm
by clarabear
Well, I actually do walk a fair amount -- there's a 40-minute walk in the hills that I take sometimes, with no ill effects. It's just when I do unaccustomed exercise I guess. Maybe it's just a coincidence after all, although I still find that hard to believe.

I'm feeling 90 percent better today, so I'll try again in a couple of days.

I may ask around on some other online forums to see if anyone else has experienced this type of thing, though.


Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 1:56 pm
by reinhard
Hmmm. I've heard of getting muscle soreness, but not colds.

I'm completely unqualified to make medical pronouncements on the subject, but it might also just be coincidence.

I would keep trying, if not shovelglove, then something else. As Joel points out, not exercising is pretty bad for your health. Take it deliberately easy until you get past this. Carving out regular time for exercise is much harder than the actual movements, and you can do that with minimal physical effort. Then when you no longer have this kind of reaction (hopefully very soon), you have a structure in place to ramp up the effort.


Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 6:59 pm
by NuBiker
Hi Clarabear,
I am kinda like you. For me, whenever I get extremely stressed, or scared, or have an extreme change of routine - I catch a cold. All my life. In my younger years, I had a lot of drama in my life - divorce, problem kids, terrible ex-wife, wierdo girlfriends, etc.
Now that I am older, and more settled (I think my hormones have decreased with age!), plus the fact that I just no longer give a darn about things, I don't get ill so often.
I am starting this program just using a broom!!! I figure if I can get my body used to the range of motion of the exercises, I should be ok.
Maybe you can try a broom, too.
Good luck to you.
(first post, I will introduce myself elsewhere._

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 3:44 am
by reinhard
Welcome, NuBiker.

Starting with a broom is a great idea. A bunch of people in the forums started that way. It's a very low risk, low expense way to try out the moves and start building the habit. Carving out time is much harder than lifting weight -- and for carving out time, a broom is just fine.


Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 11:23 pm
by NuBiker
Thank you Reinard!!!
Today, my wife and I started exercising together!!! She used a sponge mop and I used a broom,LOL. After we get the movements down, we willl start with a sledge.
I printed out the info from your website and left it on a coffee table for my 85 year old dad to read. Later, at lunch he said, "What do you thnk about that shovel thing?" I told him to start with a broom, too. And do it in the garage where no one will see him. I am so glad that he is gonna start exercising.
Take good care,

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 12:15 pm
by Natasha
I use a 9 lb. body bar, and that is working great for me! I figure that it will be a long time before I find the bar less challenging!

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:24 pm
by NuBiker
Cool idea, Natasha. I remember the body bar from an aerobics class I took many years ago. I think I will investigate getting one.

Best Regards,

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:27 pm
by JWL
I find that my body "rebels" whenever I try to do that which it is not used to doing... which sadly includes switching to something healthy (like starting an exercise program). The key, I find, is to ignore my body's rebellions as much as possible, and keep up the exercise program as much and as soon as I can.

I also very much like the yoga move "breath of joy"... when I get sick (congestion or whatever) I do this for 5-10 minutes straight and always feel better immediately, then almost 100% the next day....