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anyone know a natural way of relieving inflammation?

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:11 pm
by Natasha
This is sad I know, but I can't afford to refill my prescription for relefin for my knee. I was wondering what else I can do to help decrease my swelling. Tylenol I had tried, but it didn't seem to help. Or maybe I need to take more of it? I'm 115 lbs. at 5 feet, so I usually take just 1. Oh anyway, I was trying to find a natural way to do this, but I couldn't think of one thing that helps for that! I was going to start taking condriton/glucosamine, but my ortho doc was telling me that wouldn't help until my knee is better. Anyone else take that with injuries and has it helped?

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:16 pm
by phayze
I've had good with using topical muscle-rubs for swelling and joint pain - particularly Thera-gesic brand. Basically, it encourages endorphins at the site and promotes healing by convincing your body you're on fire . . . or at least that's how my message therapists (also my Dad) puts it.

Did wonders for a thumb injury I had once. I'd also recommend ibuprofen over Tylenol, but that's just because Tylenol has never done anything for me.