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first session Haha!

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 11:17 am
by raindog
Hi folks,
well the sledge hammer (10lb) arrived at my door about twenty mins ago. Ripped it out of the packaging and just got my first session done.
I used the recommended Reinhard routine on the Shovelglove page.
I almost thought I'd picked too heavy a hammer, but when I got going it was just right. Hard enough to make my muscles twitch and get me in a sweat :D (first time I've exercised properly in years).
Got done in about 12 mins, so I added some butter churning to the routine.
Feel great! Finished it off with a nice cup of herbal tea. Off for a walk in a minute. Life is good :D


Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 6:38 pm
by david
Welcome to Shovelglove!


Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 9:08 pm
by raindog
Thanks David,
That's a cool avatar you've got. Make a good poster for us Shovelglovers :)
Finding myself impatient to do another session. Never felt like that about exercise before. Very strange. Must be the feeling that it's worthwhile exercise rather than pointless, even though I may never use a sledgehammer for real demolishing or pounding.
Now got me thinking whether to add music as many people have done. Maybe some 'metal banging' industrial might be neat 8)


Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 5:39 am
by British Chap
Hi Jeff

I'm sure that it's meen mentioned elsewhere but surely 'Sledgehammer' by Peter Gabriel has got to be the ultimate SG track. It's a great energetic tune.
Also scores highly on the 'Bizarre Video' front.

Good luck


Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 5:59 am
by raindog
Hi Gareth,
yes! Thinking about it that tune has a good rhythm to it as well. I'll try that one :)


Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 1:35 pm
by phayze
Welcome to the fold, Raindog!

I highly recommend having some music going - it really helps me to stay focused.

It seems like we've been getting an awful lot of new shuggers lately . . . if this keeps up Reinhard with have entire army of sledgehammer-wielding devotees at his command! haha!