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Yet another new start!

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 1:22 pm
by biglambo
I stumbled across this website a few days ago and I can say I have never been more excited about a workout in my life! I am 26 and have always kept myself quite fit through playing football (soccer to some of you!), running, basketball and lifting weights on and off at home. However, no matter how determined I have been I have never found a weight lifting work out that I will stick to for a prolonged period and therefore have any lasting impact to the extent that I want. My goal is not to be big but just strong for the frame I have and toned, and to achieve it through something fun!

Similar to many of you that have posted here I was a member of a gym - for about 3 months. I probably went 3 times, including my induction! It is just so dull!

So the other day, bored at work, I googled for a 'non-boring workout' and came across shovelglove. Reading your description of its evolution was fantastic as it described my problem exactly! So I read the whole site and a load of posts (as well as the No S Diet and Urban Ranger sites) and am convinced that this will change my life, and I've not even tried it yet!

I went to the hardware shop today to get a feel for sledge hammers and I feel it is the 12lber that I need however that was the only one that was out of stock! So frustrated as I can hardly wait another minute to get started! I don't have time tonight to try another shop as I'm playing basketball so I am going to have to wait another whole day before I try again. I can't describe the feeling, It's like all I can think about is starting this workout! Ok, makes me sound a bit mental but I don't care! I just have been waiting so many years to find this perfect solution and I salute you for coming up with it!

I will update you on my progress (which I'm sure will increase exponentially once I actually have a sledge hammer!)

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 2:47 pm
by Mike23
Now that's what I call "unbridled enthusiasm"!

Welcome aboard, Biglamboo, and best of luck with shovelglove. Looking forward to hearing about your progress in the near future.

Damn, I just got to work but I feel like swinging a hammer now.


Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 12:20 am
by reinhard
Welcome, biglambo.

No worries, we're all a bit mental here. :-)

If you do just the basic 14 minutes a weekday, you'll get yourself into surprisingly good shape.

"non-boring workout", huh? Glad shovelglove shows up there... I wonder if there's some tweak I could make to get it to float a little higher. That's exactly the searcher I want to reach.


Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 1:39 pm
by biglambo
Well, I managed to finally get hold of a 12lb hammer on Thursday and had my first shugging experience that evening. Awesome. My girlfriend thought I was kidding the first time I told her that I was going to wrap a jumper around a sledge hammer and wave it about but I have won her over to the idea now that she's seen it!

I managed;

Shovelling 40
Churn butter 20
Chop Wood (Swiss automation style) 20
Flip lever 8

All x 2

Plus another set of 20 shovels (although only 16 on the left hand side as the time ran out). Was glad it did though!!

The shovelling was really hard to do 50 all at once so that's why I split it up. Think I may reduce their number next time and add in some more movements. It was really hard work and an awesome workout! I thought my arms would fall off. I did it again this morning though and managed to fit in 8 hoist sack before the bell. I actually found myself waking up 20 mins before my alarm and was actually excited that I would soon be shovelling. Sad but true!!

It is such hard work but I can't wait til Monday and I can start my first full week. The flexibility of it all, in that any moves can be substituted depending on what you fancy that day is brilliant. My favourite so far is chop wood as raising the SG over your back slightly really works the abs.

What are other people's favourite moves?

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 10:15 am
by Jammin' Jan
Paddling the Canoe will work the sides of your abs (obliques). My favorite is Stoke the Oven/Stab the Dragon, because I like to do it in a deep wide-stance lunge and I can really feel the movement in my legs. Also, it's just fun stabbing that dragon (Glaurung maybe?) through with my sword!

Week 2

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 10:20 am
by biglambo
Well, after my initial Thursday and Friday break into SG, I have now completed my first full week and am into my second. Thankfully by the first Monday my arms had stopped aching (only just)! It's a good feeling to go through the day knowing that you have already done a workout. It is an equally, if not better feeling to wake up in the morning and feel genuinely motivated to do it. I even find myself looking forward to Monday mornings over the weekend so that I can Shovelglove!

I think that shows how important the simple rules are surrounding SG. I think that the rule not to do it at weekends is just as important as the rule to do it on weekdays, it leaves you looking forward to the next time. That is something I have never had in a workout and that is what has confirmed to me just how brilliant this is.

Thanks to Jammin Jan for the heads up on 'Paddling the canoe'. Also now one of my favourites! I don't know if anyone will have come up with a similar move but as an alternative to 'hoist sack' to work the triceps I perform what I would describe as a 'reverse flip lever' where I hold the shovelglove as if to do flip the lever but swing my arm back and up.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 3:49 pm
by Le Mercenaire
Hi Biglambo, your move made me think of something sent by JWL a long time ago (sorry I could not find the link)... He called it "crack the whip".

The move starts as flip the lever and once your arm is fully bent, keep lifting your arm and rotating until the hammer is behind your shoulder. Don't push your elbow past your head (danger of injury). Then bring back your elbow while lifting a little to get a nice and rotating move back to your starting position. Very demanding on the tiny muscles around the shoulder that are rarely sollicited plus, it works the bicep and the triceps. It also gives you a bit of the feeling Indian Clubs must have.

I hope it makes sense and that you can enjoy it!

Le Mercenaire

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 3:39 pm
by biglambo
An interesting point I have noted (for me anyway). I have been unable to SG as I injured my knee playing football on Monday which turned out to be sprained ligaments. I don't think I'll be able to return to action until next week at the earliest. I had been shovelling for 3 weeks and now being unable to do it feels alien to me and exceptionally frustrating. There is less structure to my day as there is no set time to wake up (other than some point before work!) any more and I feel lacklustre from not exercising.

Given that there has been discussion over the essential habit forming period being 21 days it would seem that in my case this is good evidence to back this up, especially given that I already kept in good shape before discovering SG.

I can't wait to get back to normal.......

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 2:14 pm
by reinhard
Sorry about the injury... but congratulations on the habit! That's a great milestone, and I know how you feel.

I missed a shovelglove day Wednesday (pregnancy related scare -- everything's fine) and I felt like a kid who didn't get to go the the playground as promised.
