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Calloused thumbs (and other observations four months on)

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 10:32 am
by Mr_B
Hi All,

Just a progress report and brain-fart:

So far I have been SGing for four months now; I have lost 4.4kg (+/-10lbs), I have gained some noticable muscle definition and my colesterol is at an all time low.

The most amazing thing is that four months on, I'm still getting up to shovel some glove every 'N' day with only a very few exceptions. The habit has been formed, and while I may not relish the idea of exercise at 06:10 every morning, I know that if I miss it I like it even less.

So what have I noticed:

1) I have callouses on my thumbs. Why this should be I cannot think. I wouldn't have said that my thumbs bore the brunt of the exercise, but there you go.

2) Visualising doesn't work for me. I find counting reps rather than imagining the soil I am digging is less distracting.

3) 7-21-14 is the way to go for me. (shovel-churning-oven stoking-lever flipping-sack hoisting-side lifting)

4) My 'routine' lasts for about 20 minutes. Sometimes a bit less, sometimes a bit more, but it averages out. I don't work against the clock, but I timed the 7-21-14 cycle and it is about 16-17 minutes. Add to that some stretches and you get 20mins.

5) It is very convenient and discreet such that noone even notices I am doing it. The only evidence is a decreasing waistline and a sledgehammer propped up in the corner of the study.

6) I keep track of my progress on a spreadsheet (geek points). This helps me see how I am doing but more importantly acts as a motivator. Green==Good, Red==Bad

7) I choose to do it. This is not an obligation. No-one is forcing me. I decide when the 'S' days are, and this means that apart from weekends, they are few and far between.

That's all folks, for what it's worth. My continuing thanks to Reinhardt for making his idea public, and too theblogger who pointed me to it!

BTW, I use a 4 kg hammer (8.8lbs) because that's the heaviest around. I'm looking at doing the same mod as shown by fungus - I'll keep you posted :wink:

Cheers, and happy SGing,


Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 2:23 am
by Le Mercenaire
Great going Mr_B.

Like you I find it easier to count reps. I used to do a lot of roleplaying games but it just doesn't work on that one.

That is great that you can keep up with 20 mins, I tend to look at the clock when I'm playing with the hammer. And I know exactly what you mean by "exercizing at 6:10". I just changed job and can get up later, but for the last 6+ months, I was getting up at 5:30 to SG and be ready to leave on time for work...

Keep on shugging!!

Le Mercenaire

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 2:00 pm
by reinhard
Hi Rich,

Congratulations on sticking with it and thanks for this detailed report!

To respond to a few of your observations:

1. I've got these too. Not very pronounced ones, like I do above my palms right below each finger, but they're there. The thumbs do a lot of stabilizing, I think, which can result in a bit of friction.

2. I (almost ) always count reps. The "role playing" aspect exists, but is more in the background.

3. Sounds good. light Warmup - heavy workout - medium cool down. I do higher rep workouts the beginning of the week, then lower and freer when I'm beat towards the end.

4. I've often gone for many months without using the timer, and then sometimes my workout would sometimes creep a few minutes over 14. But I've found that the timer is very helpful when things get crazy (like now, with a new kid, a demanding day job, an even more demanding toddler, and a book to write). It's very motivating in getting started to know that come what come may, I can stop in just 14 minutes, and the timer makes that "contract" with myself feel more believable.


6. nice! sounds like a private habitcal. I've found the publicness of the online habitcal motivating on some very hectic days (like when we've had houseguests and I had to shug in the bathroom).

7. This is true. But I've found I've become stricter than any boss over the last few years. I'm pretty good about meeting deadlines at work -- I'm close to perfect at my self-imposed exercise goals.
