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2 and a half years

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 2:34 am
by Big Phil
I realised a while ago (July!) that I had now been shugging and no-sing for 2 years! So now it is two and a half! Just thought I would let y'all know!
I now use a 19 pound hammer (a fourteen pounder with 5 pound leg weight attached), I've been using that for about a year. I don't think I am model material, but I am pretty happy with how I look. And I am freaking strong, there is no doubt about that. As far as hard yakka (Australian for hard work) goes, I will go up against anyone in the real world. I probably wouldn't beat everyone in gym-based exercises, but that doesn't really count.
I have used a heavy boxing bag from time to time at peoples houses - and I can really hit hard! I don't remember hitting that hard even when I used to box. I think that really counts as functional, real world strength. There is something about how the back and stomach is strengthened in the upright position in shovelglove that really adds to the transference of power and solidity of the hit. That and the strengthening of the forearm and wrists. I am sticking with shovelglove forever!
I also think the No-S diet is Reinhards greatest invention. I will buy a copy of the book for myself and some copies for my family. I hope they aren't offended, but when common sense just isn't that common anymore, I think it is worth doing.
Merry Christmas everybody,
Thanks for everything Reinhard.
All the best,


Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 5:16 am
by gratefuldeb67
Yay Big Phil!!!
Congrats on your amazing continued SG!!!!
I'm happy for ya yu strong geezer :)
Makes me happy to see yer still swingin along!
Debs x
ps. Merry Chrimbo to you too (belated? LOL)

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 5:17 am
by SurfingBuddha
Congrats on your progress and stick-to-it-ness! To your health in 08!

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 7:11 pm
by reinhard
Big Phil, I'm very happy to hear you're still shugging and no-s-ing with such excellent results -- and thank you for taking the time to post. I like to think the no s book is entertaining enough to be enjoyed even by people without weight issues, so hopefully your family and friends won't take it amiss (I certainly won't, thank you!).

I have a good friend who instructs a boxing class at a sports club in NYC which he keeps harassing me to come to, just to see what it's like. I have a feeling the coordination bit would get me (system pending for that :-)), but I'm fairly confident about the strength and stamina, even though I hear it's grueling. I guess I should refrain from making possibly hubristic predictions till I give it a try... I'll post (honest, I promise) details if and when I do. From what I've read on the net, sledgehammer work is actually part of many traditional boxing training programs.

Merry Christmas (and happy new year, now -- sorry for the delay!) to you, too,


Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 11:03 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Maybe you could practice on your Brother Reinhard???
Hehe :wink:

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 2:21 pm
by reinhard
I don't know, might not be such a good idea, my brother actually takes that class :-)

(and he shovelgloves -- that arm-wrestling incident was quite convincing)

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 9:46 am
by Mr_B
Good on ya Big Phil!

I'll match you in two years...