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subtle signs of progress

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 6:42 pm
by ikuryakin3
I was talking to my spouse this morning, when she said,

"Hey, I've been noticing that I'm having trouble turning the water on in the shower when I follow you. "

"Oh, really? Sorry."

"Yeah, and releasing the parking brake, too. So please take it easy, strong guy."

This is after 16 months of SG'ing @ 10 lbs., and 1 week @ 16 lbs. I know that there's been a thread before about other people (particularly spouses) observing changes in physique, but I'm wondering if anybody out there has had similar "you don't know your own strength" moments relative to this kind of day-to-day activity.

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 4:02 am
by reinhard
Hmm. My experience with increased strength and plumbing were not so positive... but I did learn a valuable lesson: "if it's stuck, the solution is not always to push harder." I also learned the plumbers make A LOT of money. :-(


Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 3:28 pm
by BuddhaLite
I can relate to that. I'm in the process of getting divorced and don't really see my wife. The other day she gave me a hug and started squeezing my back and arms. I haven't been losing much weight but even after 3 weeks of doing this 5 days a week my shoulders, arms and abs are definately look and feel better. Her reaction confirmed that.

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 6:44 pm
by ultimas
I, too, have seen some subtle yet unmistakeable signs that Shovelglove is working for me. My grip strength is increasing steadily, my lats (V-shaped back muscles) are getting more pronounced, and my waist is getting slimmer. I can't wait for my wife to see me after this deployment is over...five months of five-times-a-week Shugging is going to make me into a new man.

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:18 pm
by franxious
Hi Everyone,

I've been lurking for about a month, since I started doing Shovelglove. Last night, I finally noticed a sign of improved strength: I was able to hold a large, heavy stainless steel pot in my left hand (I'm a rightie) for a long time with no trouble while serving food from it with my right...usually, I feel like I'm about to drop it any second!
