Just starting out!

Take a sledgehammer and wrap an old sweater around it. This is your "shovelglove." Every week day morning, set a timer for 14 minutes. Use the shovelglove to perform shoveling, butter churning, and wood chopping motions until the timer goes off. Stop. Rest on weekends and holidays. Baffled? Intrigued? Charmed? Discuss here.
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Just starting out!

Post by Seul » Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:47 am

Hello everyone.

I'm just starting out with the shovelglove thing, it's pretty fun. I really like the ideas here, everything is seductively simple and ripe for puns.

I enjoyed reading through the developement of shugging, too.

I was initially concerned it wouldn't be challenging enough, but the first session or two assauged my doubts in a leaning-over-trying-to-catch-my-breath-with-burning-arms-and-shoulders way. I started with a 12-pound hammer (i've been at it about 2 weeks now), and i have some very sturdy 5 pound ankle weights that I might add on in a few months or so (with a liberal application of duct tape, to be safe; the ankle weights have have leather straps with buckles, though, so I'm not too worried), so I have room to grow.

I would categorize myself as a hobbyist with MMA and wrestling, and I'm finding this particular type of sledgehammer stuff to be pretty good conditioning for both.

Mostly i wanted to say thanks for coming up with these neat ideas and taking the time to share them; I love the ease with which they can be communicated and their effectiveness.

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Post by reinhard » Wed Jun 11, 2008 3:10 pm

Welcome, Seul!

Had to look up MMA... sounds cool!

Let us know how shugging translates to these other pursuits.


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