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Kicking my patutie!

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 9:16 pm
by Finnigan
So, I added 2 moved from the macebell site to the beginning of my workout routine and I have to say it is nor REALLY kicking my butt! Before I was working up a sweat. now I'm watching the clock and begging for mercy and sweet relief. heck, my legs are sometimes shaking when I'm done.

My curretn routine.

-Mace swings: I start by holding the hammer up with my hands at the base of the handle in front of me about chest height. I start with my left hand on top. Then I swing the hammer to the left, around behind my back, then in front of me from the right; THEN back from right to left. I consider this 1 rep. I do seven reps, then put my right hand on top and start the swing from the right for 7 reps.

- Excalibur pull: 7 reps each side

- Shovel: 14 repseach side

- Churn Butter: 14 reps, swap hands, another 14 reps

- Drive the post- 14 reps each side

- Flip the lever: 7 reps each side on one leg.

-Tuck Bails: 14 reps each side

- Hoist sack: 14 reps each side on one leg

- Ab Killer: 7 reps each side.

So far I haven't been able to make it through this set twice. During the second set I've even had to drop back to 7 reps on the drive post and tuck bails.

So, what do you think? Should I push forward and stick to this, or do I need to alter this to get complete sets in, or some other modification?

I think the issue is the mace swings tourture my forearms right out of the bat (keeping the hammer stable when upright is brutal on the forearms). I can feel my arms hurting in the first set of shoveling.

Any advice?

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 3:48 am
by phayze
I have a hard time using the same routine everyday (exercise ADD?), but for whatever it's worth I say that if you're enjoying this setup, then stick to it. I'm sure after a few weeks you'll notice that second round getting a little easier. You could speed the process along a bit by taking out one of the moves to free up a little time - you could always add it back to increase the challenge later.

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 2:33 pm
by reinhard
I wouldn't make yourself do a crazy killer routine every day. If you find yourself watching the clock and not actually enjoying it, you're going to find an excuse to stop (or injure yourself -- the best excuse).

What I usually do is front load the really hard routines for the beginning of the week, Monday and Tuesday, then do an easier routine Wednesday and Thursday, and Freestyle (which may or may not be easy depending on how I'm feeling) Friday.

Watch out for the "hurting," too. You should feel it, but it shouldn't really hurt.
