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My Idea for a Shovelglove Addition

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 5:23 pm
by brotherjohn
I am not a shovelglover yet. I had two vertibrae fused together last year, and I have just not reached the point where I feel comfortable doing that yet. And I have not yet decided what my default exercise plan is going to be. Maybe "Geezerglove"-- I'll just move for 14 minutes, and add some kind of weight to lift at a later day. We'll see.

So, even though I my profession does not match my practice yet, I hope you will allow me to mention a SG addition.

I think that everybody should sit down in the floor crosslegged and get up again several times a day.

Two things make me think that this is a very good and important idea.

First of all, my grandmother lived to be 95 years old, never had a hip replacement, and was still able to squat down on a carpeted floor and get herself up again after doing excercises when she was in her 90's. Because she did this every day starting in her 60's, she never lost the ability.

Secondly, I read a book by Dr. Paul Brand called "Pain: The Gift that Nobody Wants." Dr. Brand was a Christian missionary who worked with the lepers in India. He quipped that he had never done a hip replacement on a person from India, because they squat down and cross their legs on the floor several times a day. This keeps the hip joint from wearing unevenly. He said that Western people have uneven wear in the joints because they sit in chairs all the time, and never squat down to the floor. (Also because they are obese.)

So, I think this is a good suggestion. I don't have a catchy name for it yet. It only takes a few seconds each day, but I suspect it will reap a lot of benefits.



Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 8:52 pm
by david
I am in complete agreement.

I've been trying to get my mother in law to do this, but, no sale so far.

Several times a day, it's useful to sit all the way down to the floor and then get up again without the use of hands.


Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 9:07 pm
by morganalefay
I like sitting on the floor, I do it as often as possible. What's a few funny looks compared to not needing a hip replacement?

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 8:23 pm
by reinhard
That is fascinating, about the hip replacements. And personally relevant... lots of hip replacements in my family. Just got off the phone with an orthopedist for my mom today, in fact.

I'm going to keep my eyes open for a way to incorporate something like this into my routine. Maybe as part of some ergonomic computer break during the work day. I'll also mull over the all-important "catchy name" issue...

Thank you, Brother John!


Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 7:26 pm
by brotherjohn

Since it (hopefully) eliminates the need for orthopedic surgery, could we call it the HRR -- The Hip-Replacement Replacement? :lol:


Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 8:06 pm
by Cayenne
I am going to try sitting down and standing up holding my SG. Thanks for pointing out the importance of this.

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:59 am
by winnie96
Cayenne -- I think you've hit on a slant to this that will make me accept it. Hanging on to the SG is brilliant! Thanks! (And, of course, thanks to Brother John for pointing this out in the first place. I just couldn't get down on the floor until Cayenne suggested it could be the grand finale of my SG routine).

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 5:08 pm
by Bushranger
I agree strongly with the squatting all the way to the floor and sitting cross-legged idea. I used to be very stiff and found doing these to be kind of hard but since I got involved in gardening (I squat down to tend to my small plants rather then bending over) and doing hindu squats I have no problem at all with doing either. Thumbs up from me.