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What time of day?

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 12:56 pm
by Finnigan
Well, it's me again. I'm still trying to get back on the wagon since the Holidays and I think what I really need is to get myself on a better daily schedule.

In my last attempt at a schedule shovelglove was left for just before bed. I feel like this didn't work out so well. I am thinking about trying to exercise in the morning and I figured I would just get other opinions.

So, when do you schedule your SG workouts?

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:21 pm
by bluebunny27
Shovelglovin' ! ;-) I say you have to try different times and see what works best for you. I used to shovelglove before breakfast but then I found that was too hard.

Now my routine is I have a light breakfast, I wait a few minutes and then I do my exercises, take a shower, etc. The important thing, for me, is not to do the exercises on an empty stomach cos' you don't have a lot of energy then ...

Since I am losing weight now, I have to do more exercises ... so I do my cardio training in the early evening, around 7.15pm, after dinner at 6.30pm.

Marc ;-)