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One big group, or multiple smaller groups?

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 2:51 pm
by Finnigan
I'm not sure if this has been discussed here or not, but I wonder what your opinions are.

When doing shovel glove moves, do you do all of your reps in one large group and move on, or do you do multiple smaller sets?

For example, right now my wife and I are doing 35 drive the posts. However, we don't do then all at once. We do 14, then 14 shovel, then 14 flip the lever, etc. Then when we are done with one "set" of our routine, we start over with another 14 drive the post and do the whole set again. In the third set we do 7 reps of everything.

So, is it better to do one big set, or multiple smaller sets?

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 7:38 pm
by reinhard
I don't know, so I hedge my bets and do both.

M-Tues high rep sets

W-Th low reps sets (just 7 reps each side per movement, then cycle through them all again)

F "freestyle" (usually low rep)

If I had to choose one I'd say go with low rep sets. It's certainly safer. It's also more approachable -- much easier to take that first swing when you know you have to just do a small number. As for the muscular efficiency, who knows. You get plenty workout either way.


Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 7:38 pm
by david
I mix it up.

Another option is to do four or five moves of low rep on one side, then repeat those sets on the other. For example:

LEFT 7 shovel, 7 chop tree, 7 hoist sack, 7 churn, 7 stoke oven

immediately follow with:

RIGHT 7 shovel, 7 chop tree, 7 hoist sack, 7 churn, 7 stoke oven

This can be pretty intense, so take it slowly.
