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4 years

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 2:20 am
by Big Phil
Hi All,
I haven't posted or been to this site for quite a while - very busy - but I am still doing Shovelglove and No-S after 4 years. (Actually it is closer to 4.5 years because I am slack).
Just thought I would let everyone know that I am still around and I would recommend Shoveglove and No-S unreservedly!
From the diet and exercise combination I am very happy with how I look and my health. I turned 36 on the 9th Nov, and had my blood pressure measured at the doctors today - 116/72 - still in the optimal range.
I am not as lean as Reinhard, but I am not super-strict with the No-S (seconds have always been my weakness) and I eat pretty hard on the S days. Also I don't get as many walks in, having to drive my son to school etc. But I am still more than healthy enough.
I would say the best thing about No-S and SG is that it is so sensible that is has repaired my relationship with food and body image. Not that I ever had particular problems in that area, but everyone gets down on themselves form time to time. As I know it is all in my power with the Everyday Systems I don't worry about it too much. I am happy that I look good - obviously I don't look like a TV model or pro athlete but I understand that I am putting in a tiny amount of effort compared to those people and I still look and feel fine!
I have used a 20 pound hammer for about two years now and am tossing up whether to further upgrade or just use more supplementary exercises like dumbells and standard weight training in my 14 min.
I have found these rotating handles for push-ups, called "Perfect push-ups" that rotate during the push-up to stop the stress on joints that often occurs during the exercise. They are great and got rid of the shoulder pain that I was starting to develop from standard push-ups.
I have also been barefoot running (or very close to) for the last 6 months and love that! I have these very thin shoes, like gloves for the feet, called Vibram fivefingers, which protect your feet from cuts but are almost the same as running barefoot. You do not realise how bad running in shoes makes your body feel until you try barefoot (almost) running. Shoes change your running technique dramatically for the worse. There is a site that is devoted to barefoot running and I would recommend the site and the exercise wholeheatedly. And this is from someone with two torn cruciate ligaments and cartilage damage in the knee, all from basketball.
Also, bought a couple of the No-S books on Amazon to repay Reinhard a tiny book for all he has done for me.
Anyway - thought you would all like to know I am still around!

And another thing

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 2:26 am
by Big Phil
Just to put my fitness results in perspective - my best time now for a 4.5 km run is 21 min 11 sec. Not super, but not bad for a very amateur runner or runs at most twice a week when he can manage it.
One idea that I had for SG, but have never got around to, is to buy some of those "Strength Shoess" and do SG in those to really strength up the calves and legs at the same time. I have been doing SG in bare feet since I started, and don't have any problem with that, but I thought I would throw this idea out there for everyone in case someone wants to try it before I get around to it!

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 4:34 am
by frugaltexan
Another barefoot runner here. :D

Have you ever visited the Runner's World Barefoot Runner's forum? I've been BFR (no shoes - completely bare) since late July and found lots of great advice and support there. I'm also writing a paper for one of my graduate classes on how and why to get started bfr (such as .. avoid doing Too Much Too Soon, or TMTS!)

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 3:40 pm
by Dandelion
I keep hearing about those. I read Mark's Daily Apple and he loves 'em. A guy I work with wears them to work and loves them as well.

Barefoot running

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 10:31 am
by Big Phil
Hi Frugaltexan,
I will have a look at that site. Completely barefoot running is awesome, I've had a few near misses with cutting my feet and got some serious blisters (TMTS - definitely) but I will workup to it when I am happy I have a safe track.
Dandelion - they really are the best shoes, it is almost like not wearing any!

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 6:14 pm
by frugaltexan
On my Tuesday run I overdid it and ended up with some hotspots and almost blisters - first time that happened. I stepped on some glass one time, but was able to pull it out easily.

Why do people think breaking beer bottles on walking paths is a good idea?!

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 7:02 pm
by Kevin
Because they are idiots. They probably come from long, proud lines of idiots.
frugaltexan wrote:On my Tuesday run I overdid it and ended up with some hotspots and almost blisters - first time that happened. I stepped on some glass one time, but was able to pull it out easily.

Why do people think breaking beer bottles on walking paths is a good idea?!

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 3:44 am
by frugaltexan
Kevin wrote:Because they are idiots. They probably come from long, proud lines of idiots.
frugaltexan wrote:On my Tuesday run I overdid it and ended up with some hotspots and almost blisters - first time that happened. I stepped on some glass one time, but was able to pull it out easily.

Why do people think breaking beer bottles on walking paths is a good idea?!
:D :D

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 2:58 pm
by reinhard
Big Phil,

It's great to hear from you again -- especially since you're still doing so well after all that time.

Hope you don't mind if I put an entry linking to this in the no-s diet "testimonials" forum.
