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Thor's hammer scenario?

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 10:20 pm
by JWL
Wow. Shovelglove is going very well for me. It's Sunday, I'm at work, and I've taken Sat and Sun off. I'm finding myself wanting to do the shovelglove! This is a good thing...

I'm not religiously sticking to 14 minutes; what I do instead is finish the routine. I'm in general not bound by the clock in every other part of my life, so sticking to an arbitrary 14 minute exercise schedule is counterintuitive to me. I think the routine I do takes between 15 and 20 minutes to finish.

I really am glad to have discovered this mode of exercise. It's fun, and I feel stronger already. I have a feeling that my trips to the gym are going to be lessened, as I prefer to do shovelglove!

I've lately been thinking about Thor's hammer, Mjolnir and its relevance to my sledgehammer/shovelglove mindset. Don't have much more to say about it just yet, but I can feel the conceptual resonance of this when I go shovelgloving... I'm just waiting for the thunder and lightning to fly from the end of my sledgehammer. :D

Anyone have any ideas about a Thor's Hammer scenario?

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 7:53 pm
by reinhard
Great scenario! Some ideas:

1) Music: Wagner is a must (Ring cycle scenario might be nice too, especially for those extra long sessions)

2) Scheduling: Thursday is Thor's day.

3) Safety: don't let that mighty hammer fly! Safe for gods, not mortals.

4) Movements: these would of course consist of Thor smiting his various enemies. Not the least bit monotonous, since they range in size from giants to dwarves. It's a great range of motion.

For more on Thor:

I'm happy to hear it's still going well for you. I've got my own default routine so down pat by now that I often neglect to set the clock (though you could probably set the clock by my routine).

scenarios continued...

Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 11:28 am
by gratefuldeb67
Ha ha, Reinhard! You are so cute and fun! :)
Wagner a "must", indeed!
"Kill da wabbit kill da wabbit!" (Elmer Fudd singing and doing SG)
Wow, could you imagine doing SG for the entirety of the Ring? My arms would cease to exist! LOL....

James, you might just be related to Thor! You look like him! (except without that horn hat!)
Have fun playing Wagner and causing electrical storms while shuggin it on the beach :wink:

I have to admit that the only "scenario" I have ever really used, as most of my inspiration just comes from the feeling of getting my blood pumping and listening to my favorite tunes, is the scene at the end of Magical Mystery Tour, where the Beatles sing, "All you need is love" while kick stepping, side to side, down that big Hollywoodesque staircase... I think of that one when I go into kickstep/freestyle mode, while holding the SG horizontally and twisting and turning from side to side, with little arm lifts to each side... It's kind of a "running in place" thing in between the chopping and killing moves!
No, not Thor based, at all....
It's Ringo based!

Have a nice weekend all!
8) Deb