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new to shovelglove and have a question

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 9:32 pm
by guille
hi, im new to this, i just made my shovelglobe, 12 pound, its difficult but i like it

my question is this(its mainly directed to experienced shovelglove users)

after some years of doing shovelglove and using a heavier hammer have you tryed to see how strong have you becomed in other exercices , for example seing if you can do pull ups and things you where not able to do before shoveling?

Shugging does mean chinups, dips, rock climbing, etc.

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 2:19 pm
by chico
After 5 years of not working out, then doing only shovelglove mostly every week day for about 4 to 5 months, first with an 8 lb hammer for 3 months, then with a 12 lb one after that, I was passing by a playground and decided to try doing some chinups. I did 7 without any warmup, and the weather was chilly. A couple of months later at a different playground I tried again. Without warmup, 8 chinups, 7 dips. I've since upgraded to a 16 lb hammer

I never tested myself before starting shugging, but from past experience I know I wouldn't have been able to do any chinups. When I was working out at the gym 5 years prior, I was doing chinups and dips twice a week, first on a machine that assists you, then eventually (after quite a while) without assistance. It took about 6 months before I could do 10 bodyweight chinups and dips. What I didn't have then that I do have from shugging was the amazing grip strength, strength endurance, and cardiovascular endurance. Going indoor rock climbing with friends, when their grip was completely fried after about 2 hours, mine was still good, and only the soreness of my fingertips would have prevented me from doing more.

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 2:20 pm
by reinhard
Well, I can now beat just about everyone I know in armwrestling.

There are only two people I'm not sure about:

1. a boxing instructor who can bench press over 300 pounds

2. My wife's uncle, who does 500 pushups a day

I'll have to schedule an experiment with them to find out. :-)
