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Real life shoveling - how shovelglove benefits

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 6:38 pm
by dittany
So I haven't been shovelgloving for the past few months for various reasons and was thinking I must now be really rusty and weak, then this weekend I had to shift a ton of topsoil for a vegetable bed I built in the garden.

The first few shovels of earth I thought would defeat me - they felt very heavy - but then I went into shovelglove mode, put my back into it, went for it, finished moving the soil in about half an hour (four hundred shovels - I counted) and best of all none of my muscles ached the day after.

So shovelglove's benefits are clearly long-lasting and deep. I really don't know where I got the ability to do those four hundred shovels, except all the 14 minute practices I did 5 days a week, every week last year. Amazing.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 2:31 pm
by reinhard
It makes sense that shovelglove prepares you for real life work -- but it's always great to hear more actual, empirical evidence.

Thanks, Dittany!
