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Progress so far (2 mo).

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 8:58 pm
by fb22
Just a brief hello and a couple of notes...

I've been doing the 14MAD for about two months now. Until recently, I've been using a 20lb kettlebell, but I just aquired a 12lb sledge (birthday present) and have started with that. Now, I do MWF with the hammer alternated with T/Th on the kb.

I've noticed that the kb workouts have prepped my legs and back pretty well for the sledge, but that the hammer workouts really work out my arms in a much more intense way. I've been doing intervals with the kb, and have for the last week or so been doing Tabata intervals. The kb provides much more of a cardio effect with more leg workout. The hammer gives me intensity in the upper body that I'd been missing because of the light-weight kb that I use.

A Tabata interval set consists of 20 seconds of maximum intensity followed by 10 seconds of rest repeated eight times for four minutes total workout time. It's not recommended to do this with weights, and I've avoided doing this with the hammer so far for fear of pulling a muscle. The Tabata intervals are supposed to be all-out, and if you do them properly, the supposed effect is the equivalent of 40-minutes of standard cardio. This remains to be seen.

For you Corvus Corax fans out there, you might look for Tartanic. They haven't made it quite so big, but are a similar genre. They mix bagpipe and middle-eastern music with a medieval bent.



Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 5:27 pm
by reinhard
Sounds like a great alternating routine.

Though I doubt I'll be tempted to stray from the way of the hammer, I look forward to messing around with kettlebells myself some day. I guess I should do it just as comparative "market research."
It's not recommended to do this with weights, and I've avoided doing this with the hammer so far for fear of pulling a muscle.
Yeah... I'd be careful. Vanilla shovelglove is plenty hard.
They mix bagpipe and middle-eastern music with a medieval bent.
That sounds terrifying! Is there a youtube clip of something you like?


Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 11:26 pm
by fb22

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 4:59 am
by larisa0001
I also do kettlebells as well as Shovelglove; I keep a kettlebell in my office at work, and do a few swings and other exercises in my office during the day, and then do the Shovelglove at night after I come home. I think the two complement each other very nicely.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:46 am
by fb22
larisa0001 wrote:I also do kettlebells as well as Shovelglove; I keep a kettlebell in my office at work, and do a few swings and other exercises in my office during the day, and then do the Shovelglove at night after I come home. I think the two complement each other very nicely.
I agree about the two complimenting each other. When I do one, I get the hankering to do the other. They provide a nice variety of exercise so I don't get bored.

You do swings at work, eh? That must make your coworkers raise an eyebrow. How big is your 'bell at work?



Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 5:20 am
by larisa0001
fb22 wrote:
larisa0001 wrote:I also do kettlebells as well as Shovelglove; I keep a kettlebell in my office at work, and do a few swings and other exercises in my office during the day, and then do the Shovelglove at night after I come home. I think the two complement each other very nicely.
I agree about the two complimenting each other. When I do one, I get the hankering to do the other. They provide a nice variety of exercise so I don't get bored.

You do swings at work, eh? That must make your coworkers raise an eyebrow. How big is your 'bell at work?


Mine is 18 lbs (which, for me, is a reasonably heavy weight). I think Tabata intervals with that thing would probably kill me.

Since all my coworkers are battling excess weight in some form or another - law firm life inevitably leads to weight gain - they're quite sympathetic to my kettlebell endeavor. A few of them like to play with the kettlebell whenever they come to my office for something.