Fat Burning

Take a sledgehammer and wrap an old sweater around it. This is your "shovelglove." Every week day morning, set a timer for 14 minutes. Use the shovelglove to perform shoveling, butter churning, and wood chopping motions until the timer goes off. Stop. Rest on weekends and holidays. Baffled? Intrigued? Charmed? Discuss here.
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Fat Burning

Post by triptide » Sat Sep 25, 2010 5:26 pm

I just read this SG concept and am thinking about starting. Curious if it has helped anyone lose weight in addition to the strength benefits?

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Re: Fat Burning

Post by fungus » Sun Sep 26, 2010 7:21 am

triptide wrote:I just read this SG concept and am thinking about starting. Curious if it has helped anyone lose weight in addition to the strength benefits?
Weight loss is done with the "No S Diet". Click on the link up there ^

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Post by reinhard » Wed Sep 29, 2010 7:20 pm

It's hard to tease the two apart.

I lost 20 pounds on No-s doing no regular exercise.

Then I started shovelglove and lost 20 more.

I can't say how much of that last 20 pounds was due to shovelglove, but I suspect a fair amount. I certainly put on quite a bit of calorie-burning muscle.


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Le Mercenaire
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Post by Le Mercenaire » Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:00 pm

Hi, just giving some piece of info that I learned lately.

A little intro: a friend of mine who's a life coach had a few clients hiring her to help them loose weight and maintain weight loss. In order to be able to do the job properly, she had to check into that subject quite in depth. She is not a physician, a diet specialist nor a physical trainer, but for her work, she had to become a bit of all that and I know that she takes it quite seriously (she literally has the health of her customers in her hands). She also was starting to have a little extra weight herself, so the researches were also for her.

First, it is important to know that your weight is determined, at 80%, by what you eat. First step to lose weight is to eat less, then, exercising helps you gain and maintain a healthy amount of muscle (which in turn helps regulating your fat percentage). Exercising helps you build muscle but has the side effect of making you hungrier. On the other hand, having muscle helps maintaining weight and the exercise will it will help you loose a few pounds in certain specific circumstances.

One of them being when your heartbeat is through the roof (not too recommended for people not accustomed to exercising). When your heart is racing, your system tend to use the energy stored in the fat more than when you are doing a smooth and long exercise (like jogging).

This being said:

When I talked about shovelglove to her husband, she was intrigued and she did a few tests. One of the things that she discovered is that even though it is a relatively smooth exercise (you don't need to go fast and you don't feel like you are doing something overly physically demanding (for my part)). Her heartbeat went up after just a few reps and it stayed up for the whole exercise. THAT would be how you lose weight by shovelgloving. BUT, shovelglove won't make you thin if you eat too much.

I'm not too sure that my message is clear and that everything is well explained, but I thought I'd share the info. Don't hesitate if you have questions, I'll try to find the answer for you.

Le Mercenaire.

P.S. Check back later, I'll most probably edit this message as I reread it.
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Post by storm fox » Wed Feb 23, 2011 3:00 am

From everything I've read, you burn a greater percentage of fat at low intensity, long-duration exercise (i.e. urban ranger), while at higher intensities, you burn more stored sugar (glycogen). I've heard some questionable info that after you exercise, your body favors the opposite stored fuel source than you used in your training, but I think that's hokum.

Diet and walking are what loses the weight, IMHO. Weights and sprint intervals do very good things for muscle and hormonal response, but bang for buck, it's eating less and moving more.

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Post by koopa » Mon Mar 07, 2011 9:03 pm

I have been doing SG for 3 months and lost 20 lbs. I do not do NoS due to laziness mostly.

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Post by korg20000bc » Thu Apr 28, 2011 11:15 am

Hello all,
This is my first post and I can shed a little bit of light on this issue.

There's nothing mysterious about weight loss. Energy expenditure must be greater than energy intake.

Adipose, or fatty, tissue takes a certain amount of energy for your body to maintain- even at rest. Lean body tissue eg. muscle, bone and connective tissue cost your body more energy to maintain- even at rest.

So, by increasing your lean body tissues with appropriate exercise (like Shovelglove) your body burns up more energy just by existing. Add to that the energy expended during the routine itself.

Raising the heart rate in and of itself isn't enough to cause weight loss.

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Post by fungus » Fri Apr 29, 2011 9:42 am

korg20000bc wrote: There's nothing mysterious about weight loss. Energy expenditure must be greater than energy intake.
With you so far...
korg20000bc wrote:So, by increasing your lean body tissues with appropriate exercise (like Shovelglove) your body burns up more energy just by existing.
So does fat. Carrying an extra 100 pounds around all day, arms with built-in wrist weights... there's a reason fat people are usually quite physically strong. They've got all that muscle *and* the extra weight but they still don't get thin.
korg20000bc wrote:Add to that the energy expended during the routine itself.
Which will only be about 1 Oreo...

Calorie intake has a MUCH bigger influence than any amount of gym could ever have. "Hit the gym" isn't the answer to obesity, especially if you're out of shape and you'll be miserable there and/or you'll go home afterwards and celebrate with some Haagen Dazs.

"Eat less calories", OTOH, is mathematically certain to work.

Walking is good, too...it gets you outside and away from the fridge. The real reason with sofas and TVs make you fat is that they're too near the fridge.

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Post by korg20000bc » Fri Apr 29, 2011 10:33 am

I'm with you all the way on energy intake having a greater effect on the weight gain/loss equation than exercise only.
fungus wrote: So does fat. Carrying an extra 100 pounds around all day, arms with built-in wrist weights... there's a reason fat people are usually quite physically strong. They've got all that muscle *and* the extra weight but they still don't get thin.
Maintaining fat on your body costs energy, of course! The benefit of lean body tissue is that it costs your body more to maintain the lean tissue than maintaining the fat stores. So two people who weigh the same, one person overweight and the other person lean, the lean person will expend more energy just existing. So there is a very real effect on weight loss by increasing lean body tissue

The original post was regarding whether SG helped people lose weight- not whether there were better ways to lose weight

Sorry if I didn't explain where I was coming from properly.

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Post by koopa » Fri Apr 29, 2011 1:03 pm

korg20000bc wrote:I'm with you all the way on energy intake having a greater effect on the weight gain/loss equation than exercise only.
fungus wrote: So does fat. Carrying an extra 100 pounds around all day, arms with built-in wrist weights... there's a reason fat people are usually quite physically strong. They've got all that muscle *and* the extra weight but they still don't get thin.
Maintaining fat on your body costs energy, of course! The benefit of lean body tissue is that it costs your body more to maintain the lean tissue than maintaining the fat stores. So two people who weigh the same, one person overweight and the other person lean, the lean person will expend more energy just existing. So there is a very real effect on weight loss by increasing lean body tissue

The original post was regarding whether SG helped people lose weight- not whether there were better ways to lose weight

Sorry if I didn't explain where I was coming from properly.
I think my success (20 lbs lost) proves that you can lose weight just by doing shovelglove. Of course, I had leveled off my weight loss, (would love to weigh 200 again, currently at 255) and now doing other things like UR and one can argue a modified NoS routine to continue the trend.

Shovelglove was the key component to start the weight loss for me though.

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