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Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 2:51 pm
by pd3
Hi. I've been lurking for at least 3 years and love then entire site.

I am breaking silence because I want some good noise, i.e., a struwwelpeter CD. The link provided attached to the shovelglove is to a cassette from the German division of Amazon. And while I can understand from the context, I don't necessarily trust myself to do a monetary transaction.

Anywhere else I can lay my hands on this wonderful, hilarious, and yes, sadistic, music?


Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 4:23 pm
by reinhard
I am glad you've decided to de-lurk and especially glad that it was Struwwelpeter than finally pushed you to do it!

Unfortunately I'm having a hard time digging up anything on this album short of that cassette; youtube's got nothing -- these guys are obscure indeed!

I did find a cd on another German site (probably even less appealing than if you don't speak German): ... /08202967/

On the bright side, the book is widely available, and even today, as I've discovered from experimenting on my own, kids love it ("Daddy, I want the one with the fingers!"). Just don't tell your wife you're reading it to them. :-)


Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:10 pm
by pd3
there is a "christkindle" market in the downtown plaza where I work, and the german music stand was unable to provide any leads.

But I am so glad that you provided another link. I contacted a German- speaking friend and I am going to ask her to buy it through the link you provided. Also, I bought the book for my nephew. To alleviate the craziness of it, I tried to couch it to my sister that our grandpa (who came off the boat from Germany in the 30s to USA) might have read it as a child.

Merry Christmas and happy shovelgloving!