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now back to our regularly scheduled programming...

Posted: Sun May 15, 2005 3:09 am
by JWL
Well, I figured out why I was low-energy on Tuesday. The stomach flu bug virus-from-hell hit me on Wed. My fever broke on Thursday, and I'm just now back to about 80% healthy.

So my shovelglove routine this week was seriously interrupted. Ah well. Sh!t happens, especially when you have a stomach bug... :wink:

And now it's the weekend, and I'm still not 100%, so I think I'll just wait until Monday to get back into the swing of things....

Posted: Sun May 15, 2005 10:39 am
by Jammin' Jan
Hi Freakwitch,

Sorry to hear about the bug! That can really lay you low for a while.

Are you able to eat to get some strength back? Remember the BRAT diet for a sick tummy:

Toast (or Tea

These foods are easily digested. Chicken soup is good as always, of course.

Anyway, hope you get back to 100% soon!


Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 3:31 am
by reinhard
Sorry to hear it, Freakwitch. Sick days are definitely S days.

With shovelglove, as I mention somewhere on the home page, my rule is "if anything hurts, stop immediately and take the next day off." This has worked so well for me that I 've never had to take more than one "next day" off, and it's been a long time since I've had to recourse even to this. The risk of overdoing it isn't worth a extra day's hard coredom. Not that you need it, but you have my official blessing and encouragement to take it easy until you're back to 100%.