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First shovelglove post

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 7:12 pm
by mattman
Hello everyone. I just wanted to say that I really enjoy this type of training. Although I have to be a bit honest and say that it does look a bit wierd, I think that it has a ton of awesome benifits. I love that after working out with a 20lb sledge at home, the 12# hammers at the fire station feel sooooooooooooo light. Also, I love that when I combine these workouts with push-ups(gotta do them) I feel as though I can swing an axe for hours. Awesome website, I come here almost daily to see what's new. I have lurked here for quite a while and just now got around to posting.

Take care.

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 7:05 am
by slothlike
20 # :shock: I'm impressed.

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 1:18 am
by reinhard
me too! Took me several years to work up to that.



Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 2:37 pm
by mattman
I dont think its too much to be impressed over. I have been very heavey into kettlebells for the last 7 years which gives me a pretty nice base to start from. I did start with the 16# hammer, that was all that I had. i trade off between my 20# hammer and my 30# mace. When I go heavier i like to try to go for 30 mins. My pushups, swings, and ab wheel rollouts would then come at the end or in a different workout later.

Take care,


Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 5:11 pm
by mattman
typo on my part.......sorry.

What I had meant to say is that when I go lighter in weight i will usually go longer. The heavier I go, the shorter the workout.

Also, another thing that I do for work is to do step-ups onto a concrete block witht the 20# hammer switching hands every minute. Sometimes I will also carry a 50# bag on my shoulder to simulate carrying a firehose on my shoulder up a high rise building.Even just carrying the hammer that long really starts to suck after a while, but it does have a lot of good cary over for work. Also, must do the push-ups, with the occasional ab wheel roll-puts thrown in for good measure.