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Just curious

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 11:03 am
by mattman
I was just wondering how many people go longer than 14 mins? How many people do additional exercise? and finally, for the people that walk daily, I mean ubran ranger,what is the average time most people walk?

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:11 pm
by r.jean
I jog and walk and do an average of 20-25 miles a week...time wise that is 4-5 hours a week. I have started shovel glove at 10 minutes..3-4 times a week. basic goal remains to get a half hour of any type of exercise 6 days a week.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:36 pm
by Hoeka
Walk for 30 mins/day - sometimes my dog is in luck & we go twice a day. SG: currently about 10 mins: swinging that 12 pounder is murder! But, when I started, I could not do two moves in a row, so there has definitely been progress. I also try to do 20 mins or so body-weight exercises a day, and may soon start alternating that with Callanetics - does anybody still remember that?

I'm lucky in that I work from home, so I can exercise throughout the day. However, I've found that if I go for a walk right after my morning coffe, I'm much more likely to be compliant.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 5:05 pm
by reinhard
I rarely go longer than 14 minutes.

In terms of other stuff, these days I walk about 20 minutes to work and 20 minutes home. Plus 10 * 2 to drop off the kids (slow going, but I often have one on my shoulders, which I guess must burn a few extra calories :-)). So about an hour total on weekdays. Weekends are usually far lazier as far as walking is concerned.

I've also been running slow, short distances semi-consistently about once a week for the last few years. I'd like to get more ambitious with that (particularly since reading Born to Run, which I highly, highly recommend) but my IT band in my left leg doesn't like it when I consistently go more than 3 and a half miles or so. Working on that issue... but no luck so far. The whole minimal running thing appeals to me, but I can't quite bring myself to go barefoot or wear five fingers. I tried a compromise with the new balance minimus, but as I painfullly discover a couple of weeks ago, they didn't do the trick IT band wise. I just ordered a pair of tarahumara style running sandals (just in time for the Boston winter!).

and also

I went with the lunas because they look better, but I feel conflicted because the other site seems so much more DIY shovelglove. No idea if they'll help -- I'll post here if they do.

One thing that strikes me as a little funny is that in over 10 years of doing this crazy made up exercise involving sledgehammers I've never injured myself, and yet I can't do this "normal" time tested exercise of running for more than a piddling distance without disabling myself for the better part of a month. Shovelglove is safe compared to running!

Lastly, I sporadically see how many pushups, pullups, and chinups I can bang out. I'm not sure I do it consistently enough for it to qualify as exercise, but I mention it in the interests of full disclosure.


Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:47 pm
by chentegt
My current activity involves doing shovelglove (14 mins.) every weekday + 3 minutes of abs exercises or some pushups after the sessions. These extra minutes are just for fun, and I don't always do them.

I also try to walk for at least 30-40 minutes every day (just after I wake up, before SG), except on saturdays. On sundays I walk for 1 hour.

I'm trying to get a few more minutes of walking every day, gradually, until I get to 1 hour. And I hope to include one or two kettlebell drills (for legs) into my 14 minutes of SG in the future.

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 4:04 am
by Heybazilla
I don't really walk much, mainly because I have nowhere to go. Since it's cooled off, though, I may walk or bike to the store more.

I just don't like walking in my usual uniform of jeans and a shirt that covers my shoulders to the store in the hot North Carolina sun! I STILL have reservations about putting on workout clothes for walks just have to walk IN PUBLIC.

Stupid weird modesty standards. I oughta just throw on a ratty t-shirt and workout pants and go to the store for lunch tomorrow.

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:34 am
by slothlike
I'm bumping up my workout to 25 minutes every day. It's getting to be about half shovelglove and half kettlebells. The days when time is really short and I just do 14 min. of shovelglove, the time flies by and I'm always surprised when the timer goes off.

I do urban ranger by bike, almost all my errands and all my kid carting duties are on bike; I'll see how far into the winter I take this.

I don't walk much on purpose, but the pedometer my insurance company made me wear hit 10,000 steps almost every day (6 miles?). About half of it was back and forth in my classroom and a lot of the rest was chasing my toddler around.