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My first shovelglove attempt did not go well ...

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 6:33 pm
by stoogeswoman
Hi everyone, I'm not really new here but have been a lurker for quite some time.

Just thought you might enjoy hearing about my first attempt to do the "shovelglove" workout a couple of months ago.

At my husband's suggestion, I decided to combine it with killing part of a big ugly bush in our back yard, which was partially blocking our access to the garage.

So I got my shovelglove set up and started whacking away at that bush, up and down, up and down, for about five minutes, and everything was going great and I felt oh, so strong. 8)

Then ... I heard this loud metallic CLANK - followed by a spray of cool water.

:oops: Nope - it wasn't a post-workout shower.

It was the pipes leading from the back yard to the house - which, unknown to either of us, were partially concealed directly underneath that big ugly bush. :shock:

A few thousand dollars later (OUCH!!!) we have a new set of copper pipes - and I now do my workouts wayyyy far away from the house! :D

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 5:21 am
by jules
At least you weren't injured! The cost of the repair is really unfortunate though.

Keep on shovelin'!