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Shovelglove skillet style and bad wrists

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:08 pm
by snikkio
I just started No S yesterday and want to add in shovelglove with a skillet. My thing is that I have bad wrists ever since a fall 4 years ago when racing some of my students backwards (yes, you read that right) and then a couple of trips over a crack in the side walk when running normally.
Does anyone have any idea if this will aggravate my wrists. I can't do push ups or even planks, but I can push my jogging stroller fine as long as I haven't reinjured them recently.

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 8:27 pm
by reinhard
Hi snikkio,

Shovelglove definitely does work the wrists, so do be careful.

There are some movements that are probably more dangerous in this regard than others. I'd say the best thing would be to test the waters very carefully, no more than 7 slow reps each side with each move until you're very comfortable. You may want to skip "chop wood" entirely since that one stands one in my mind as a wrist-intensive one.


Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 6:26 pm
by snikkio
I made it through about 10 reps on each side of a few moves using our smaller cast iron skillet without a problem. :)

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 3:58 pm
by Klutzy68
I know this is an old post, but I have wrist problems too, and elbow, and I'm old. I'm very afraid of injuring myself and then not being able to do anything, so I used a broom with a thick wood handle, weighs ~1.5 lbs. I didn't know I should only do 5 minutes, and I made it through the full 14 following the YT video with a couple modifications. (For the one behind your back I used both hands 14 times; and for the one handed, which twinged my elbows, I did a kayak paddling move.) Smooth and deliberate moves, nothing fast or jerky. At the end of the routine I felt energized with no pain, and still no pain 4 hours later. I'll try my small skillet when I feel strong enough, great idea!