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Urban ranger - baby wearing edition

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 11:12 am
by bonnieUK
Just wanted to mention that carrying my baby in a sling has been great for keeping up with urban rangering with a new baby. Somehow it feels like less hassle than setting up the stroller, plus body heat generated in the sling means I don't have to dress her up so much, if it's cold I can just wrap us both in a coat. It's also great to have hands free, I like to have an end goal to a walk, so I'll often wear baby, walk to the fruit & veg shop, buy an avocado or something and walk back home.

Another bonus, she is now old enough (3 months) to sit up in the sling facing outwards so gets to see the world from a good height and smile at people we meet while out :)

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 12:21 pm
by NoS-er

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 11:12 pm
by ironchef
Cool stuff. I'm really looking forward to the little Squiggle getting a bit bigger ans going in the Bjorn (probably within a week or so). Makes a walk with dog and toddler less drama too!

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 7:10 pm
by bonnieUK
Just thought I'd post an update on this, I had diastasis recti after having my daughter (separation of the abdominal muscles) and I discovered that walking around carrying her in the baby sling was making it worse - so just a note of caution to any ladies who might have that (a telltale sign is if you still look quite pregnant a few months after delivery, and still have lingering problems like back/pelvic pain and stress incontinence - something to ask your doctor about if you suspect it!).

As soon as I stopped carrying her in the sling and put her in a stroller it got a lot better. I had to stop all other exercise for several months except walking, and I think the stroller walks (plus time and patience and not being tempted to do other exercise) actually helped bring my muscles back together, it seems better now thankfully :)