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Walking makes you fit, seriously

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 11:19 am
by Sinnie
I just remembered this and thought it may be worth mentioning even though I didn't think much of it at the time.

I have been walking, pretty much every day, for about 30-40 minutes, sometimes more, sometimes less. I do this not through self-discipline and motivation, but through necessity as I bought a puppy last year who grew into a 65 pounder :) He *needs* walks, and I must admit they can be enjoyable to ponder life, listen to music and so on. I do grumble about it sometimes, though.

Anyways, I have never been a jogger and never will be. Truthfully, I'm just naturally not athletic at all and dislike heavy exercise a lot. But one day I was rather pissed at someone and really felt the urge to move. For fun, I put on running shoes, went outside and started jogging. I made it all the way around a short route without stopping. I have never been able to do that, probably won't bother again, but it shows the shape that walking has put me in. If walking can do that, I'll stick to it. Plus, it's better on yours knees. But at least some proof for me that it does work!

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 2:54 pm
by reinhard
I had the same experience a couple months ago. A coworker invited me to go jogging with him. I hadn't jogged in almost a decade and was terrified. It turns out I was able to pretty comfortably jog over two miles. After just a couple once a week jogs we hit 4 miles -- and I feel confident I could have gone farther. Now we weren't breaking any records of anything (approx 9 minute miles), but that's not too shabby given my lack of running experience. I thank urban ranger most of all -- and shovelglove a bit (surprisingly good cardio).

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