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Urban Ranger with kids?

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 2:46 am
by Meg
Any tips for getting a three-year old to join his baby sister in a stroller so that mom can range for a while??

Toddlers and the urban ranger

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 3:20 am
by la_loser
Got this at Target so my three year old granddaughter can trike along the way--but the handle makes it a stroller so you have control, especially when she gets tired of pedaling. . . ... 34-0823838

An even fancier model: ... 34-0823838

This would mean however that you might have to "wear" the baby in a baby backpack or sling. . . just a thought.

They also have a red wagon with baby seats for two--if your baby is old enough to do that. Obviously all of these are pretty pricey--but at least a possibility.

Good luck!

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:55 pm
by Salamander
I've always walked pretty much everywhere with my kids. When they were in that annoying in/out of the stroller age (too old to ride, but too little to keep up with me), I had a stroller with a little platform on back that they could hop onto for a ride when they got tired.

Mine was a Peg Perego Pliko; I also liked the fact that it had a 99 lb. weight limit so if my older child absolutely refused to walk or stand on the platform, I could recline the seat and they both sat in it. The stroller itself is a normal sized stroller and folds up small. You can often find used Plikos or the newer version P3 for cheap on craigslist.

The Joovy Caboose is a similar idea; it is bigger and more cumbersome but has a little jump seat as well as a platform.

I also used to use the sling or backpack for the baby, which translates into more intense exercise for you! But, during the summer, you do end up with a giant baby-shaped sweat stain on you.

It is annoying, but worth it, to make your kids walk a lot. Mine are 8, 6, and 3 now, and the older ones have no problem walking 2-4 miles frequently. The more they do it, the better they get at it.

Thanks much...

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 5:30 pm
by Meg
...for all the ideas. Will keep you posted...

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 2:00 am
by Littleowl
They're expensive, but Phil and Ted has a dual seat stroller for baby and older child.

I got ours when I was pregnant with my second baby, because I don't drive at all and my oldest son is very tall and was outgrowing a standard stroller at age 3, but we had a mile walk home from daycare.

What's great about it is that it has full restraints on both the main seat and the 'jump' seat and you can get a rain cover that covers both, but it's also a narrow stroller so it's not a pain to turn corners and whatnot like a twin-style double.

I also usually had my sling along for when one or the other of my boys didn't want to be buckled in, but we used that stroller hardcore for 2 years and it held it up really well. We've moved since and daycare is now 2 full miles away and my eldest is 6.5 and can't quite make that walk and is really too heavy to go in the double stroller with his little brother, but it was a great purchase to get us through the baby-and-a-big-toddler years.


Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 5:34 pm
by reinhard
Wow. We have exactly that model (even the same color!). Yeah, it's great (and expensive).
