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Exercise for fun?

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 9:01 pm
by infoproj
I like the idea of ranger-ing as it is totally non-competitive.

I usually fall into the trap of 'training' when out cycling - although for what I've no idea really.

It's addictive to get the endorphins going by this training, but it also gets to be destructive, both in terms of fatigue and the nagging feeling when training is missed for whatever reason (usually just family life!).

Ranger-ing seems to be just doing exercise for yourself in your own way without external pressures (or just internal?) - in other words ditch the peer pressure.

Play to exercise - could be my next system...

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 5:32 pm
by reinhard
I find it helpful to look at exercise (and almost all my activities) not as something that's toward a goal, like cramming for a test, but as a good in itself; not as something that I'm going to get done some day, but something that I'm going to be doing for the rest of my life, ideally. The challenge is NOT knocking off goals, but allocating time and energy, setting up (and refining) a pattern that you want to keep repeating, a sort of an ideal template day.
