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Distance Parking

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 2:59 am
by reinhard
Lot's of enthusiasm for distance parking in a previous discussion:

Has anyone actually tried it? I would, but I'm too darn lucky, I can walk the whole way to work. Failure stories welcome. Others can learn from them, and maybe even help you troubleshoot.

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 4:06 am
by Samurai
I always park out at the end of the parking lot, close to the last car in line or a little farther. I began this habit not out for fitness but for lack of patience. I can't stand driving around the parking lot for 15 minutes waiting for someone to leave a spot right next to the door. I reasoned that if I had just parked the car I would have been able to enter the store and make my purchases before I'd have otherwise found a parking spot!

I'm not sure if it helps in reality, because I've done this for so long. My only knowledge that it works is from what I've read. Every little bit helps though, they say, even taking the stairs for just two floors instead of an elevator. The last article I read regarding this type of calorie burn even said merely fidgeting will help you burn calories! So tap tap tap your feet and twiddle your thumbs to your hearts content. If anyone asks if you're nervous or anxious, you can just tell them you're 'metabolising.'


Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 4:28 pm
by Jammin' Jan
I have always parked as quickly as possible since I really hate driving and want to get out of the car fast. Usually this means the first spot I see is mine, no matter how far it is from the store. Walmart has a nice big lot, and I'm usually in the space closest to the street.

When I drive downtown to do errands, I will park at the post office, then walk to the bank and to the little store instead of driving to each. This works well. Sometimes I just walk downtown if the weather's good.

I've always thought that walking is the best exercise.

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 5:25 pm
by Casey
I do it too. I started doing it when I was pregnant to getthat extra excercise. Then we bought a brand new car..and well we didnt want it banged up by other careless moterist. So, we park soo far out. I like it..I also dont know if it helps since we have done it for so long now. :?

Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 2:13 am
by cvmom
I have to add to this discussion regarding walking. We live about a 3 minute drive from our elementary school. I decided (last winter) that I would walk to school to pick up my 1st and 5th grade boys. Well, you should have seen their faces when I said we were walking home. LOL They acted like I had dropped them off in the middle of the desert. They complained and got annoyed and made me promise that I'd never do it again. To make matters worse it started to rain.

Even though this was an unsucessful excursion I think that there is no excuse why I can't walk to the village. So, I am going to do it. I will take your advice and schedule it.

I really like this site. You no-s people are really nice.


Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 1:36 pm
by reinhard
That's funny, cvmom. But I think the sad thing is, many adults would react the same way internally, they just wouldn't show it. Kids may be lazy, but at least they're honest about their laziness. Adults think of more impressive excuses, but the laziness is the same. The cure is also the same: just do it. Kids and adults will be surprised that it isn't that bad. A precedent is set, then a habit. Will they ever get to the point where they groan about having to take the car? Probably not. But I think a simple absense of groans would be satisfying enough.