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New Urban Ranger Here! :)

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 1:36 pm
by machelle
I actually got out this morning and went for a nice 30 minute walk! I haven't walked outside in like....forever! It is truly a beautiful day out there with a nice breeze. It was lovely. Looking forward to starting another healthy habit!

Now...going to get my sledgehammer today. LOL!!This is probably one of the most comical purchases I've ever made...I wonder how many strange looks I'll be getting. :shock:

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 3:27 pm
by Too solid flesh
Welcome, machelle!

Walking outside can be a real treat on a lovely day. Good luck with the Shovelglove, too.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 3:53 pm
by machelle
Thank you so much! I am hooked already, and it's only my second day. You know, I have always been an "all or nothing" kind of girl, and I always thought that if walking was good, then running is better. If 30 minutes is good, then 60 minutes is better....I am now really starting to grasp that just doing 30 minutes of walking can be just fine for my fitness goals. I mean, I may do more than that on occasion, or walk a bit faster, but I have read so much on this site that moderate changes are going to reap big rewards, so I am going to be satisfied with that for a while. How refreshing...

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 2:25 pm
by reinhard
Welcome! (much belatedly)
Now...going to get my sledgehammer today. LOL!!This is probably one of the most comical purchases I've ever made..
Comedy is the only way to approach the subject of exercise :-)

Best of luck on both systems,


Urban Ranger Wannabe

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:25 pm
by AimingForVegan
I've been doing No S for seven months. I have never before been so
at-peace in my relationship with food (I'm in my 50's and with a lifetime, before No S, of various types of disordered eating). My husband is an Instinctive Perfect Eater and an Instinctive Perfect Urban Ranger (by choice, he walks to work every day, and it's a one-and-one-half-hour walk). No S has shown me that, although I can't BE like him, by following No S I can nevertheless EAT (and not eat) like him. Now, without being like him, can I also WALK like him? Looking for encouragement to join the 21 Day Urban Ranger Club.

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 2:01 pm
by reinhard
Welcome, AimingForVegan!

I think the trick for succeeding as an urban ranger is looking for ways to build it into your routine, so you don't even think about it as exercise. Start with the low hanging fruit: are there any places it makes sense to walk to now, that you're not currently walking to just because you're avoiding the exertion? (a simple one that most of us encounter frequently is taking the stairs instead of elevators or escalators). Hopefully you can put your finger on a few of these: shops you go to frequently, or errands on your lunch break, or best of all walking to work like your husband (that's an impressive distance!), though that may not of course be possible at the moment.

Then, longer term, when you have big decisions to make about future jobs or living arrangements, keep walkability in mind. You'll have the basic habit in place to take best advantage.


thanks for encouragement!

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 3:17 pm
by AimingForVegan
Wow, encouragement from "THE MAN HIMSELF"! Thanks, Reinhard! I already take the stairs and not the elevator at work every day (here at the public library, where I am a Reference & Technical Services Librarian...yes, a FELLOW librarian), but I can increase the NUMBER of times I go up and down and up and down by carrying smaller batches of books at a time so I will need to make more trips. Also, I can walk somewhere rather than drive somewhere for my single-plate meal-break.

Bless you for the great peace and joy you've brought to my life with "NO S" and "Everyday Systems"!