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LONG walks

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 8:30 am
by anniede
Hello all! I'm a new member!

I thought I'd throw a question out in the ring:

Is anyone else into "walking your feet off" walks? I love long distance walking. I'm up to about 3.5 miles now, walking the long routes to wherever I'm going (grocery store, walgreens, etc.). I've learned to vary my routes so I don't get bored or burned out. I'm surprised at all the different things I see, even on roads I've walked many times!

Thank god I'm blessed with the chance to be a stay at home mom so I have the time to spend on this endevor. I've hit a 4 mile glass ceiling...just can't seem to crest over that yet but with time and training, I think I'll be able to.

Now, to do something about this weight. ;-)

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 9:11 pm
by navin
It's somehwat unusual for me to do that, but when I do I tend to enjoy it (even if my feet are a little sore!) Aside from hiking, the last time I did that was when my car was in the shop and I needed to catch a bus to get to the dealer. Instead of catching a bus close by and then transferring, I just walked downtown to the transfer station. It's about 3 miles from work to downtown.

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 9:11 pm
by gratefuldeb67
I love Steven Wright!!!

Good for you on all your walking!
Peace and Love,

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:29 am
by creaky
Hey Sis,

Glad to see you here! Thought you'd like this site. Have you bought your sledge yet? LOL.


Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 2:38 pm
by reinhard
Hi anniede,

I rarely go that long at a stretch. I mean, it's great, but keep in mind that you don't have to. What you're already doing is plenty, and you don't want to up the ante until it gets painful.

As for the weight, your walking means you've got half the battle won: the "output" half. You've got a moderate, sustainable, enjoyable, effective exercise habit. Maybe the pounds aren't dissolving as fast as you'd like them to, but with just a little moderation in "input," you should be able to get yourself as trim as you want. Much better than going at it only from one direction, or starting from scratch.


Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 9:10 pm
by anniede

Yeah, I know what you mean about "going until it hurts". I've done a lot of hiking in my life...and it's a killer when you hike a long distance out and already already at your limits just to realize you have to walk ALL THE WAY BACK! That hurts. LOL

Actually, I've walked a lot in my life. Lots of hiking and long distance walking. Used to do the Volksport walks (10 K or 6.6 miles) before I moved to No. CA, where they aren't held as much.

A lot of people are shocked to hear that I can walk so far. We live in a society where people drive the 1/2 mile to the gym so they can work out or (my favorite story!) drive around and around and around the gym parking lot, trying to find the closest parking spot.

I guess for me, it's the challenge of it all. It's not quite a "test my limits" thing (that's when people get hurt!), but more of a "I'd like to reach that goal some day". It isn't as if I don't have the time or the patience! ;-)

The important things to me is 1) knowing my limitations, 2) slowly building up my distance, 3) having long and short walk days and 4) having the weekends off.

I really started working on training for long distance in January. I walk a long walk Monday and Friday (about 3.5+ miles right now), short walks Tuesday and Thursday (usually about 1.5 miles) and a medium walk in Weds (about 2.5 miles), with the weekends off.

But yes, I agree completely. I've got the hard part (the exercise) down. Now to deal with the food. I haven't really played with my food until this month. I'm still nursing my 9 month old and I didn't want to fool with my input until she was eating more solids and not depending solo on my "output" for nutrition.