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re: walking for fat loss

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:29 pm
by oolala53
Here are some excerpt from an article by a bodybuilder talking about how to get fat loss while building strength with resistance exercise. Now, he does phrase it as cutting calories and recommends cutting carbs, but the big deal to me was that he was recommending against adding high intensity cardio to the weight lifting program. Just plain ol' walking. Sounds like No S (without the carb cutting), Shovelglove, and Urban Ranger to me.

"If you want to get lean you simply diet by cutting carbs and calories and you add in a 30-45 minute walk 5-7 mornings a week on an empty stomach. And don’t worry about what some study quoting geek told you about it not being effective. Anyone who spews that %#**@ should not be taken seriously when it comes to training advice."

"Just about every bodybuilder in the history of the planet has walked to get ripped. I’ve used it with numerous clients for almost two decades and it always works. That’s why I’ve been telling you to do it for years and I keep repeating myself."

"Your heart rate for these walks should be around 60-70% of max. Again, don’t listen to dweebs hopping around with their clipboards shouting that the “fat burning zone doesn’t exist and it’s HIIT time for everyone!†Trust me, it aint. Do what Yates did and start hoofing it."

"If your primary goal is to gain as much size and strength as possible ['Course that's not No S-ers for the most part, but this guy's lifting a lot heavier weight than Shovelglovers), then walking is probably all you will want to do for conditioning."

"If you also want to be in shape and athletic then add in sprints (with a sled or prowler, on a hill, or on flat ground if you’re an experienced sprinter) and/or jump rope a couple days a week." ... in-strong/

I know that on the Adonis Index site, where it's all about building shoulder circumference while reducing the waist, they believe that cardio besides walking interferes with the muscle building. So, keep it up, Urban Rangers!