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Urban Ranger for fun and profit

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 2:48 am
by Hunter Gatherer
When I walk around my neighborhood I bring a plastic grocery sack and pick up aluminum cans. Then I stash them at my house and tote them to the scrap metal place once I run out of room (about once a year). Last year I made about eleven dollars.

Also there is frequently change in the street; pennies, nickels, quarters, dimes. My largest find ever was a ten dollar bill :shock: Just sitting in the street! I felt kind of bad, but I couldn't figure out a way to find the owner since it wasn't in a wallet or envelope or anything. If it had been a bigger denomination I might have tried anyway, but aparently ten dollars is just below my laziness threshold. Previous to that find my largest was a one dollar bill I fished out of a puddle.

Sometimes, if I am feeling especially neighborly I bring another sack and pick up trash (something my brother tells me is fairly common in Japan). This isn't really profitable exept in an intangible way (especially since it is messy again in an hour or a day).

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 9:20 am
by carolejo
I used to collect the litter up on my way home from school sometimes as a kid. It just annoyed me to see it all lying around, choking up the grass verges. All this stuff, just tossed out of a car window by people who should really know better.


Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 6:01 pm
by reinhard
I'm amazed at how much money I find lying on the street.

Here in Cambridge you could easily make more than the per capita income of some third world nation by just wandering around picking up change.

Isn't walking great? What other exercise is so cheap that it actually generates income?


Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 6:11 pm
by gratefuldeb67
As a kid I once found a ten dollar bill on the street while walking to school...
But because of some Karmic joke, it was frozen beneath over an inch thick layer of solid ice... :twisted:

Hey! What about those guys who wander all over the beach with those metal detectors??? I hear they find all kinds of sh, ehm, I mean, stuff...
Rings, money, etc...

But the detectors probably cost a lot!
Seems like a fun hobby if you can get over the embarrasment of looking weird and all..

Have a great day you Rangers!
8) Deb