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90-day streak

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 11:37 pm
by oolala53
Okay, after nearly 16 months of about 80% compliance on No S, but still never getting consistent with my exercise, and after countless times having the P90X infomercial on in the background, and now that it's daylight savings time, I finally decided to challenge myself with a 90 day streak. I put it up on the No S board as RE90X, for Reinhard Engels 90 days. I'm doing Vanilla No S plus M-F Urban Ranger or ANY cardio of 14 minutes OR MORE and M-F resistance work (got no sledgehammer and ain't buying one when I've got a set of free weights) for 14 minutes max. I suspect that those fantastic results have as much to do with people finally getting the motivation to adjust their eating once they start working out consistently as it does with the exercise, though I'm sure that has its benefits. But it's hard to out train consistent compulsive overeating. You can be fitter, just not likely a lot sleeker. I could be wrong!

Of course, I'm taking a chance because I might be very disappointed with my results, but as with No S, life is so much better even though I'm only halfway to my first weight loss goal, I expect my quality of life will improve enough to justify it. And I'm pretty sure I'll likely be continuing it five years from now, whereas I'd like to see how many P90X graduates are still pushing play 5 years from now. They say they'll do it forever; oh, haven't we all said that about some pretty outrageous things!

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 2:20 am
by koopa
My suggestion would be to have instead of anything cardio for 14 minutes to actually have a specific exercise in mind. UR, for example, would probably work better for the habit forming aspect. Ideally, you should also have a set time to perform the exercise as well, to make it more likely that you will follow through with it.

I totally think that you can do it! I am currently 45 days in the UR habit and been shovel gloving since January. So far, I have only missed one day for shovelglove due to fatigue. The reason being is that I always perform it, first thing in the morning, prior to work. While it sucked to wake up 15 minutes early, doing so has already paid off in spades.

Just wanted to give my 2 cents :)


Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 5:01 am
by oolala53
I was just trying to leave the options open on No S for those who might want to cultivate some other cardio activity. I do want consistency in my life, but my real goal in terms of fitness is to be able to keep up more in dance class, so I want to give myself the option of doing a dance tape as my fitness increases. But your point is well-taken, and I have actually been walking. I posted it here in case UR's wanted to think about 90 days.

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 1:08 pm
by koopa
oolala53 wrote:I was just trying to leave the options open on No S for those who might want to cultivate some other cardio activity. I do want consistency in my life, but my real goal in terms of fitness is to be able to keep up more in dance class, so I want to give myself the option of doing a dance tape as my fitness increases. But your point is well-taken, and I have actually been walking. I posted it here in case UR's wanted to think about 90 days.
As an outsiders viewpoint on this, I would separate the two activities. Just because you UR, does not mean you also cannot throw in a dance tape. Ideally, you would want to UR and dance, but agreed, you should also not beat yourself up if you only had time to do one or the other. Or of course, it is horrid outside and only did the dance tape.

My point is, the goals that you set out for yourself should not be restrictive, and should allow you to do whatever you want. Now, treat yourself and pop in one of those dance tapes! You earned it!

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 5:18 pm
by mattman
I like to walk at one point of the day, either moring or evening and then actually workout at another. i consider the walk portion to be very important for my health. The shovelglove/workout/push-ups/whatever, is great, but i think you get much better results doing both.