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Beach Ranger becomes Urban ranger

Posted: Sun May 15, 2005 2:45 am
by JWL
Well, it looks like I'm moving back to my favorite small city in the world, Portland, Maine, after spending the winter 15 miles south of there on the beach. So I'll get another chance to apply Urban Ranger ideology. I really miss walking around Portland, I haven't done nearly as much walking since I moved away from town.

Not much else to add, just sayin'.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 2:06 pm
by reinhard
Freakwitch, I've never been to Portland, but given our relative proximity, I'm sure I'll make it up there some day soon. So be sure to give us detailed urban ranger updates. It'll be like a travel guide for committed pedestrians. Not that I don't enjoy reading about people's breakfasts and such on no-s, but this sounds a little intrinsically more interesting...